Monday, March 23, 2015


The TRUTH About Patriot Militias That Obama Hopes You Will NEVER See

The Giver - March 22, 2015 - Consciously Enlightened
A massive movement of patriot militias has taken place since Barack Hussein Obama was first elected President in 2008. 
Though the mainstream media, and Hussein Obama himself, would like for you to believe that all of the patriot militia members are white supremacist types, nothing could be further from the truth. 
As this documentary shows, the militias are made up of Americans across many different ethnic backgrounds, with one common goal; defense of the Constitution and the American way of life. 
The only group that is not accepted into the militias is Muslim Americans, and this, because unlike the Federal Government understands, is because the militias understand that Muslims will give all loyalty to their religious beliefs before they will the one true God and the American way of life.
Correspondent Gianna Toboni, of the television show “Vice” recently went on location with a patriot militia group and she came out with a view of our organizations that the Obama administration does NOT want you to have.
It’s almost chilling to hear her at the end talking about our main objective; preparing for a day that we hope never comes.
My comments: The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist Democrats, are the un-Amrican ones--the ones who IGNORE the US Constitution and the God given Principles that have governed this Nation form the beginning. They are the anti-Christs in DEFIANCE of God and His Word.

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