Thursday, March 12, 2015


Conservative Tribune

ALERT: Obama’s State Dept Openly PROMOTES Shariah Law on Twitter [PHOTO]

We would all admit that even those who advocate for Shariah law have the right of free speech in the United States. The idea that the First Amendment applies to unpopular ideas is pretty much sacrosanct.
But would most of us go out of our way to celebrate the right to protest for a brutal, violently misogynist, repressive form of theocratic government?
No, of course not. That should be an easy decision, right?
Well, it wasn’t for someone in Obama’s State Department.
The image below cropped up recently on a Department of State-linked Twitter account, which was set up specifically as part of a campaign to combat Islamic extremism.
Um … okay …
Firstly, I guess nobody sent over the memo from the White House that it’s still “ISIL” to them, not “ISIS.”
Of course, whoever maintains the account at the “Think Again, Turn Away” campaign probably hasn’t been receiving any memos since before the Iranian hostage crisis, since they apparently don’t know that Shariah lawis a form of Islamic extremism.
For the people at Think Again, Turn Away, let me list some of the highlights of Shariah law as a public service, since they apparently don’t know what it entails:
  • Death penalty (via hanging, crucifixion or stoning, among other fun methods) for apostasy, adultery, fornication or homosexuality!
  • Cutting off of a hand for theft!
  • Testimony from four male witnesses to prove a rape actually happened!
As for whether this is going to cause anyone who might support the Islamic State group to think again and turn away, ask yourself this:
Would a potential terrorist checking out a side Twitter account of the U.S. Department of State think to themselves, “Oh wow. I was going to travel to Syria to fight and live under the rule of a brutal caliphate where all of my sick religious delusions are enforced under penalty of death.
“Now, though, I can move to the Great Satan, where I’ll protest for my generally-despised beliefs with a bunch of women in burqas at a card table outside of a pharmacy and a Chinese restaurant that looks to be in violation of at least 17 health codes?”
Yeah, I don’t think so either.
Good work, State Department. You’ve proven yet again that, even as we fight Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group, our most dangerous enemy may be within.

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