Saturday, March 21, 2015


Conservative Tribune

URGENT: Obama Threatened US Soldiers to Keep Them Quiet About THIS Crime

Last summer, President Barack Obama shocked much of America by suddenly releasing five senior Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for probable U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl.
Making this worse than being merely a five-terrorists-for-one-deserter swap, there are allegations that large sums of cash were included in the deal, raising the possibility that Obama violated federal law with the prisoner trade.
On top of that, there are reports that the Obama administration has been threatening men and women of the U.S. military with knowledge of the deal, or of Bergdahl’s desertion, in order to keep them quiet about what really happened.
Huffington Post columnist Bill Robinson was given this information by a high level anonymous source at the Pentagon who wanted the American people to know that there is more to the Bowe Bergdahl trade than the White House is letting on.
Robinson said, “The White House, in concert with the State Department and Defense Department, was orchestrating a campaign of threats and intimidation not only against infantrymen and the military men in Afghanistan at the time in 2009,  but also against military officers and Pentagon officers to keep silent about what really happened, there.”
“He was more than just a deserter, he was an out and out traitor,” Robinson added, according to Breitbart.
Robinson says that his source told him that Bergdahl didn’t simply go AWOL, but actively plotted to desert his post and join the enemy in order to collaborate with them against America.
It is also believed that far more than six soldiers were killed while looking for Bergdahl in the months after his desertion.
In the months after Bergdahl’s disappearance, deaths of U.S. service members in the area spiked greatly for a time, leading some to presume that Bergdahl was successfully assisting the Taliban in their efforts to kill American troops.
Even though Bergdahl has been returned to the United States and investigated by the Army, the results of that investigation are being kept from the American people, likely because the end result doesn’t match the original narrative put forth by the Obama administration.
Hopefully, the Army will announce soon that Bergdahl will be court-martialed and dishonorably discharged from the Army — at least.
Now if only we could “dishonorably discharge” those who arranged this prisoner swap in the first place.

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