Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Conservative Tribune

ALERT: Obama Makes Infuriating Move to HIDE His Crimes Against Netanyahu

President Barack Obama despises Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with such immense passion that he has been covertly scheming to prevent the PM from being reelected in this upcoming Tuesday’s legislative election.
He has been doing so by secretly funding those non-profit organizations in Israel that are actively attempting to dissuade the Israeli people from voting for Netanyahu.
This unauthorized funding casts an extraordinarily pernicious light on Obama, especially given that we as a nation ought not to interfere with an ally nation’s election.
This is why the president has ordered the non-profits to scrub anything from their websites that leads a trail back to him. They, not surprisingly, have followed his orders like sheep being led to slaughter.
Take for instance the website of OneVoice, a non-profit that is sponsoring “a get-out-the-vote-organizing drive aimed at replacing Netanyahu’s government with a center-left coalition.”
The non-profit’s website used to contain a logo of the U.S. Department of State on its “partner” page, but the logo has since gone missing.
It also happens that OneVoice’s staff contains a slew of “former top staffers for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.” (H/T WND)
Are all these facts a coincidence or a conspiracy?
The Senate believes they are the latter and has therefore responded by launching an investigation into whether or not Obama “aided OneVoice’s efforts to defeat Netanyahu via grants from the State Department.”
We know for a fact that Obama’s State Department gave OneVoice a grant for $350,000. What we do not know, but that we suspect to be true, is whether the grant was issued specifically to help the non-profit thwart Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection efforts.
We also know that back in 2010, Obama’s State Department issued a $999,715 grant to the Abraham Fund, which too is actively plotting to negatively affect Bibi’s chances of winning.
It seems like our president will stoop to anything to prevent Netanyahu’s election, which is why he must be exposed – the sooner the better.

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