Friday, March 20, 2015


Conservative Tribune

BREAKING: Marine Corps Commandant Exposes the Treasonous Order Obama Issued to US Marines

A man at war should never abandon his weapons, especially if that man happens to be a part of the United States Marine Corps.
This basic doctrine, part of the Rifleman’s Creed, makes sense to nearly every single person on the planet, save of course for President Barack H. Obama.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Joseph Dunford revealed as much this past Tuesday, when he told the House Armed Services Committee that Obama had ordered our esteemed Marines to first destroy their weapons before they evacuated the U.S. Embassy in Yemen last month.
If you recall, on Feb. 10, the State Department decided to suspend all operations at the embassy and initiate an evacuation after the country was overrun by Iranian-affiliated Shiite Muslim rebels.
But that order itself was apparently not good enough for Obama, who also demanded that the Marines first destroy all their weapons, including the personal arms they were carrying. This means that they were left at the mercy of the Yemenis until they finally made it out of the country.
“It is my opinion that is an intolerable position … to be in a very dangerous situation, and depend on trusting the very people who have put us in that very dangerous situation to not do us any harm while we turn over all our weapons,” Rep. John Kline, himself a former Marine officer, opined during the committee hearing, according to the Marine Corps Times.
Indeed. Obama basically put our troops at grave risk — for no justifiable reason whatsoever. Furthermore, not only did he blatantly defy the Rifleman’s Creed, but he also violated his duty as commander in chief to protect our troops at all costs.
He needs to be held accountable for this disgraceful order.
My comments: The US Military has a responsibility to this Nation beyond this DERELICT President. God only knows what he might command. Obama could not order the Marines directly, the order had to come though a Military Commander--shame on him for obeying such a command.  

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