Thursday, March 5, 2015


Obama Just Declared That America Was Founded On Islam, And It Gets Worse

Q Political - March 4, 2015
You’ve heard the saying “America was founded on a Christian Heritage”. Most people buy into it because they see all the history proclaim things to back that statement up. But Obama is reading another history book, and the conclusion that he’s come to is one of the wildest things imagined.
Here’s what he legitimately believes:
“Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding”
That’s an exact quote from what the president told White House conference on “countering violent extremism”. If you aren’t shocked by this, then you are well aware of the many idiotic things he’s touted regarding Islam in the past.
“I also know that Islam has been a part of America’s story.”
– June 2009, Egypt
“Islam has always been a part of America”
– 2010 start of Ramadan
“Eid (Muslim Holiday) reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslims Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy”
– 2014 Marking Eid
This is outrageous.
Can someone please educate Obama on how just about every war in the past 2 decades have been due to Islam? While your at it, remind Obama that the country was founded on Judaeo Christians beliefs, and not the evil that is, Islam.
My comment: Why does Obama make such False Declarations? He apparently believes some will believe him no matter how ABSURD it is.

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