Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Mainstream Fact Checker Just Slapped Obama On The Grill Because Of These Whoppers About Guns

The president has a big Pinnochio problem...

Many people believe, with good cause, that President Obama has a rather shaky relationship with the truth about lots of things — the true effects of Obamacare being high on the list of the president’s often-told falsehoods, deceptions, and outright lies.
And while mainstream media outlets frequently fail to hold Obama accountable for the truth-challenged words that often come pouring out of his mouth, there’s one watchdog on the prowl who hasn’t been reluctant to sink his teeth into the president.
That media watchdog is Glenn Kessler, the fact checker for The Washington Post who has lately been willing to pile Pinocchios on the president.
On March 2nd of this year, Kessler gave Obama four Pinocchios — indicating the highest possible long-nosed offense against truth — because of the explanation Obama gave for his veto of the Keystone Pipeline bill.
An earlier instance of Obama’s playing fast and loose with the facts resulted in another four-Pinocchios penalty against the president.  That example of a flagrant foul committed against truth-telling resulted from Obama’s claim in mid-2014 that Republicans had “filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation.”
Now we find the Post’s fact checker putting what he calls “Obama’s odd series of exaggerated gun claims” to the test. The result? Another major fail for the man who continues to chip away at the faith and trust the people need to have in the occupant of the Oval Office.
This time, Kessler awards Obama three Pinocchios for his “exaggerated claims and faux statistics” on gun violence and the availability of firearms in the United States.
While many conservatives would, no doubt, say the president was simply making stuff up and lying with abandon to students gathered for a town hall at Benedict College in South Carolina earlier this month — not softening the critical blow by writing of exaggerations — the Post fact checker did nonetheless sharply criticize Obama for his careless comments.
Among the president’s off-the-mark statements, according to Kessler’s research:
“…our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries. I mean by like a mile…” Not true.
“…there are neighborhoods where it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable…” Exaggerated claim.
“People just say well, we should have firearms in kindergarten and we should have machine guns in bars…” Wildly over the top.
As Kessler points out in his analysis that once again shows how Obama’s rambling rhetoric is often not tethered to the truth, “the gun debate is serious enough that it should not be poisoned” by the man holding the highest elected office in the land.

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