Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Conservative Tribune

BREAKING: ISIS Murders 150 Women, Many Pregnant, for 1 Horrible Reason

The the Islamic State group never fails to bewilder the hearts of those of us who happen to be genuine human beings.
Take for instance how the brutal terrorists just beheaded at least 150 perfectly innocent women simply because they refused to marry jihadist scumbags.
Even worse is the fact that several of these women were pregnant. It just goes to show that the inhumanity of the radical barbarians applies to everyone, regardless of age, gender or religion.
The execution reportedly occurred in Fallujah under the supervision of Abu Anas Al-Libi. And these poor women were not the only ones to perish.
Numerous families were driven from their homes in Al-Wafa and left to die stranded in the desert. Included among the dead were children.
This is not to say that living among the Islamic State terrorists is necessarily any better than dying. According to Mad World, living as a woman in an Islamic State-controlled territory means being sold into slavery, converting to Islam and accepting a forced marriage with a terrorist.
Children too are often forced into slavery. Either that or they are beheaded, after which their decapitated heads are left out for others to see.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that Islamic State group militants have carried out a brutal execution. It was not long ago that the sick band of terrorists lined up a village of 40 men, six women and four children, and then killed them one by one.
Meanwhile, the militants keep urging Muslims living in Western nations like the United States to take up their cause and commit similar executions and attacks on us.
But instead of recognizing the threat of this evil terrorist group, President Barack Obama prefers to lecture us about how the terrorism committed by the Islamic State group has nothing whatsoever to do with the religion of Islam.
It’s enough to drive someone absolutely crazy.
My comments: These ATROCITIES go on while the IMMORAL World looks on in apathy. 

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