Friday, March 13, 2015


Twitter/Daniel Hannan

Western Journalism

Obama’s Shocking Comparison Has Black Pastors Calling Him A ‘Disgrace’

One pastor asserted that Obama cannot relate to the struggle of those who marched 50 years ago.

During a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the historic civil rights march in Selma, Ala., Barack Obama offered a speech that left many minority leaders flabbergasted.
“Ask your gay friend if it’s easier to be out and proud in America now than it was 30 years ago,” he said, leading a number of faith leaders to criticize his equation of the relative struggle for inclusion by blacks and homosexuals.
Breitbart spoke to Coalition of African American Pastors’ member William Owens, who explained backlash to Obama’s comments was near-universal.
“I marched with many people back in those days,” he said, “and I have reached out to some of my friends who marched with me and all of them are shocked.”
Owens went on to criticize Obama even further for the perceived slight, calling him a “disgrace to the black community” and asserting that he is “rewriting history” by including gay rights in a discussion of the 1965 civil rights march.
“We didn’t suffer and die for gay marriage,” he said. “We marched for opportunity, equality, justice, freedom from oppression.”
Furthermore, Obama was not an active member of the civil rights movement, Owens said, but rather a recipient of the advances those activists helped secure.
“He has benefited from those of us who did march,” he said, “but for President Obama to say we marched so that gays would have the right to marry today is a disgrace and a lie.”
Finally, he accused the gay rights movement of using the civil rights message as a catapult from which to launch its own social agenda.
“The LGBT community hijacked our movement,” Owens said, “a movement they know nothing about. President Obama is delusional to compare our struggle with the struggle for marriage equality. Gays have not had fire hoses or dogs unleashed at them. They have not been hung from trees or denied basic human rights.”

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