Thursday, March 26, 2015



Over 200 Years To Build… Only Takes A Few Years And Traitors To Tear Down!

DC GAzette - Mike Shepherd - 2/9/2015

Obama at one time stood on a stage and insulted every business owner in America by saying, “he didn’t build this the workers built this.” Well Obama didn’t build this country but he sure is tearing it down. 

This nation is strong because of its people and financial wealth. These are the two areas that Obama continues to attack. 

Our deficit was 10.6 trillion the day Obama was sworn in. Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and George W., accumulated just over nine trillion in 28 years. Obama will accumulate that much debt in 8 years if we exist that long. 

More debt than 43 presidents before him combined. If our economy collapses our country will collapse.

Obama and Kerry continue sending money to the enemy while draining us dry. Obama has cut our military while doubling our debt. We continue to become weaker while ISIS grows stronger.

I blame Washington more than I blame Obama and his team of traitors. They commit this treason only because of the cowards who are afraid to stand up to them. 

Lawmakers have enabled Obama to become America’s tyrant and a dictator. When war breaks out in this country every lawmaker will be held accountable. Enough of the political correctness and it’s time for all children to go home. We are at war with radical Islam and it’s clear our president is at war with us.

Radical Islam or moderate Islam you can name it what you want. Those who learn the Quran, and follow the Quran are instructed to kill you. Don’t trust me, just pick up the book and read it. 

Any politician afraid of offending these people and their feelings need to resign. They are not afraid of hurting your feelings and like it or not they want you dead. 

Obama is not doing anything to help this country which is a benefit for ISIS. Lawmakers who continue to allow this to happen are just as guilty as the traitors at the top. 

Lawmakers show little concern for radical Islam, but they might want to concern themselves with radical America. War comes to our homeland you will see what I am talking about. Obama didn’t build this and congress better stop him before he tears it down… God bless America,


My comments: Comprehend the Arrogance and Wickedness of Obama in tearing down what Americans spent 200 years building. ALL for the cause of "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING" America into a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist STATE.

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