Saturday, February 7, 2015




Exclusive: Craige McMillan on how 3 branches of gov't keep the racket going

Perhaps I’m the only one. As I ponder national and world events, which is what I have done for too long, I am increasingly confused. Why are these things happening? And why now?
I’m beginning to develop a tinge of sympathy for Pontius Pilate, who while trying to determine the crime during Jesus’ crucifixion trial, asked, “What is truth?”
Indeed for all of our supposed sophistication today, that question is increasingly difficult to answer. Most all media personages seem to have an agenda. They must believe that their ideology is way more important than a simple reporting of the facts – at least as best as they can provide it.
That wrecked old ideology cart has been thrust in front of the plain horse facts now for several generations. Whatever has actually happened, those facts must be adjusted during the reporting to make the cart look brand spanking shiny and new, without spot or blemish, and “on the way forward,” whatever the bleep that expression has ever meant. No cart in history has ever gone forward with the horse pushing it from behind. It ends up wrecked in the barnyard. Which is exactly where we are.
In a leaderless sea of corruption, which is what Washington, D.C., has become as the richest ZIP code in the nation, the only “way forward” that matters is the one that puts money in a politician’s pocket – or her next re-election campaign.
  • If you control the executive branch, then you extort money through the Justice Department. Someone is always breaking the law, since there are so many more of them than any one human being could ever comprehend even in several lifetimes.
  • If you are part of the judiciary, good old-fashioned bribes will suffice, especially if the man in the dock is wealthy.
  • If you’re in Congress, you meet with lobbyists at the quid pro quo watering hole. It’s not corruption, of course. You’re in Congress. You passed a law legalizing it. It only looks like corruption to the uninitiated – those paying the bill.
I’m beginning to wonder: Has it become so bad on so many levels that those in power now view it as unfixable? We’re all trapped on board a runaway train with an insane engineer who is convinced that given enough speed, “By golly, this baby is gonna fly!”
The checks and balances of the Constitution have dissolved into the caustic sea of corruption. If they were to be exercised, those trying to stop the train might be called racist, homophobic, or worse yet … Christian. Then whose dinner parties or weekend orgies would they be invited to?
Maybe the spending doesn’t matterbecause it’s never going to be repaid. When it finally collapses, a new currency will be issued. It will, of course, be worth mere pennies on the dollar. This will be used to pay off the debts in the old currency, which was itself worth pennies on its predecessor dollars.
Perhaps the public service sector, which is how politicians and bureaucrats once thought of themselves, really is the last to be infected with the greed cancer. By the time our government servants are focused on “getting theirs,” all that remains is the final financial bubble upon which they have prostrated themselves. When it finally bursts, they will be left with nothing, including their reputations.

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