Friday, February 6, 2015


Gen Stewart

Lt. Gen Vincent Stewart speaks on Capitol Hill about the threats the U.S. faces in the world today.

VIDEO: US General Exposes Obama’s Big Secret About the “Islamic State”

While the entire world is waiting to hear what the leader of the most powerful country is going to say about one of the most barbaric radical Islamists terrorists acts, burning a caged Jordanian pilot alive on camera, Obama’s gives his no substantive answer, once again using his one-for-all response on Islamic Terrorist strategy:
“And it, I think, will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a global coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated”
However, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, had something to say before the House Armed Services Committee. He stated that the Islamic State group was extending its reach into a growing list of countries and by that essentially letting the world know that Obama’s limited air-strikes on Islamic State targets are just not getting the job done.
“With affiliates in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, the group is beginning to assemble a growing international footprint that includes ungoverned and under governed areas,”
He indicated that the Islamic State is expected to continue their global recruitment efforts to keep their numbers high, as well. Due to low morale, corruption, poor logistics and other internal issues, the state of the Iraqi Security Forces is also in disarray. They’re unable to act on their own in the face of growing external threats or internal threats like the Islamic State.
In a nutshell, radical Islamist terrorist groups have virtually free rein across a majority of the Middle East. According to U.S. Military leaders, “The Islamic threat will continue to grow unless the world unites to form a team of nations who are ready to do whatever it takes to eradicate the cancerous Islamic State from the face of Earth.” Although he says otherwise, it is becoming increasingly clear that:
“US President Obama has no intention of being a leading part of that team.” He was then asked, “When will he learn that diplomacy doesn’t work with savages!”
Although US President Obama assures the American people that all is well in his foreign policy world, U.S. Lt. Gen Vincent Stewart warns Capital Hill that that is simply not the case. Our Middle East strategies have been a failure and the threat to the U.S. from radical Islam continues to grow.
VIDEO: Watch a clip from US General’s speech exposing Obama’s big secret about the “Islamic State.”

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