Saturday, February 7, 2015


049 senator sessions 940

[Watch] Sen Jeff Sessions – Complicit Democrat Senators “A Palace Guard Circling Around The White House”

On Monday, a impassioned Senator Jeff Sessions spoke to his colleagues in the Senate and to the American people, addressing the Homeland Security funding bill was taken up for a vote on Tuesday. He notes how the bill includes funding for the law enforcement priorities which were agreed to by the House, on a bi-partisan basis, acknowledging that it is a clean bill, unencumbered by unrelated amendments, which fully funds Homeland Security.

Sessions says the language of the bill says, “Mr ‘president,’ spend the money on enforcing and following the law. Spend the money on enforcing the Immigration and Nationality Act as passed by Congress that is the law of the United States of America. Spend the money to let our law enforcement officers carry out their duties as prescribed by the laws. ”

Senator Sessions continues, “Yet our Democrat colleagues say they’re going to ‘block this bill,’ that they’ll all stick together and not even let it come to the floor of the United States Senate. Why?” he asks. “Why would they do that?” Sessions answers that it is because they want to give the “president” the funds to spend on his unconstitutional executive amnesty. He says they will not even allow the bill to be voted on and without a vote in the Senate, Homeland Security will not be funded.

He adds, “The want to protect the president in his assertion of an unconstitutional and illegal power to order duly constituted enforcement officers of the United States Department of Homeland Security to carry on an unlawful activity. The ‘president’ is not entitled to spend taxpayers’ dollars to implement a system of immigration that Congress, representing the American people’s wishes, let me add, rejected just last year.”

Senator Sessions exposes the Democrats for the traitors to their nation that they are, in his revelation of what would happen if the bill were in fact to come to the house for a vote and the amendment process. If Democrats chose to strike the language, it would be, as Sessions labeled it, a stunning event; Democrats voting to remove language from a bill that restores the separation of powers and preventing the “president” from violation law and the Constitution.
Senator Sessions quotes Harry Reid’s call for a vote and expresses his belief that they aren’t so interested in having a vote and being held accountable as they might claim.

He equates Democrat Senators who have previously spoken to the illegality of the Obama actions with becoming part of Harry Reid’s “palace guard” which encircles Obama to prevent Congress from acting to prevent his criminal acts. He says that’s what it amounts to and that there is no doubt that is precisely what is taking place.

He closes with a plea to the Democrat Senators to serve the American people, to pass the House bill, and put the harmful politics in support of illegal criminal acts aside.

In the end the measure was not allowed to come to a vote, with one traitor in the Republican ranks exposed, Senator Dean Heller voted with his comrade Harry Reid, a problem which needs to be addressed by the Republican leadership as well as the voters of Nevada.

Some things are more important than country and the Constitution. Like keeping your undeserved Senate seat. Those who voted against our nation, Democrats as well as the sellout Republican will have to explain themselves. Hopefully it will be as part of their exit speeches.

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


My comments: Obama and the Democrats are TRAITORS to America. They are godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists who have OPENED the Southern Border, NULLIFYING U.S. Sovereignty--And Unconstitutionally granting Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants. 

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