Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Obama called ISIS “Morally Bankrupt” after their Burning of the Jordanian Pilot
And he is correct in this statement.
He ought to know, as he also is Morally Bankrupt,
As is the entire Democrat Party.
They are Murdering Abortionists; Violators of the Word of God;
Compulsive LIARS.

Obama talks about his “Values,” but he has none.
The only person who has “Values” is Christ Jesus and His Word,
Which Obama Ignores.
Obama is a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist, anti-Christ.
As such he is Valueless!

Obama is a Lawless, man Ignoring the U.S. Constitution
And the Congress as a co-equal branch of government.

He is a Traitor to America by opening up the Southern Border,
Allowing anyone and everyone to come Illegally to this Nation,
Putting our National Security at risk.

He is a Traitor, releasing America's Enemies and Criminals from Prison.

He is a Traitor to Democracy,
In validating the corrupt, Communist Government of Cuba.

He is a Traitor to our one Ally in the Mid-East, Israel,
Who he would FORCE back to the INDEFENSIBLE 1967 borders
Which would ensure their DEMISE.

And this is not a complete list of his offenses against America.

Virtually every time he speaks he LIES.
No, you can't keep your doctor.
Yes, the IRS is a Corrupt Organization at his commands.
His Attorney General is a Corrupt man perpetrating numerous illegal actions.

Obama is an Alinskyite, for whom ANY MEANS justifies his Debauched Ends.

How ironic to have this wicked man speak of “Morale Bankruptcy” or “Values.”

Obama is a Devil, Masquerading as and angel of light, like his father, Satan.

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