Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Conservative Tribune

Wow. Muslims Issue Absurd Command to Bradley Cooper

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015
The story of American war hero Chris Kyle, embodied in the movie “American Sniper,” has been a record breaking hit in theaters.
Of course, this has leftists enraged, and some of them have been lashing out at both Kyle and members of the U.S. military.
It’s not just liberals who are upset though, as an American Islamic group is also expressing outrage about the film, as well as demanding an apology. (H/T Viral Buzz)
Samer Khalaf, president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), says that “American Sniper” is anti-Muslim, and is stirring up anti-Islamic sentiment and discrimination against Muslims in America.
Khalaf is demanding that both Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper apologize for their roles in the movie, and that they “appease” the offended Muslims by issuing a ludicrous statement:  “Arabs are Americans and Muslims are Americans.”
This is something like the old “chicken and egg” riddle. Which came first:  Muslim aggression towards Western society, or anti-Muslim sentiment from Americans?
It would be difficult to link any anti-Muslim sentiment, or aggressive Muslim backlash,  to a movie that was just released a few weeks ago.  Does this sound familiar?  Weren’t we told by the Obama administration that a little-seen anti-Islamic YouTube video was the cause of all of our problems with Islam?
More than likely, any anti-Muslim sentiment and discrimination in America is due in large part to the overwhelmingly long and never-ending list of attacks on innocents launched by radical Islamic terrorists.
This history of Islamic aggression towards the West dates back much further than the beheadings by the Islamic State or the attack on Americans in Benghazi or even the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.  In fact, America has been attacked by radical Islamists dating all the way back to the early 1800s, when Barbary Coast Islamic pirates kidnapped and murdered the crews of American merchant ships.
We’re fairly confident that Islamic aggression towards America in the 1800s was not based on any anti-Muslim movies which fostered discrimination against the Barbary pirates.

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