Jindal Speaks Truth to Islam, Warns of “Colonization”
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, a prospective candidate for president in the 2016 elections, is not afraid to speak truth to Islam. While other politicians hide themselves in the shroud of political correctness, Jindal has proven that he harbors no such fears. In an interview with the Washington Watch radio show, Jindal stirred the hornet’s nest with strong comments on Islamic immigration to the U.S.
“If they want to come here and they want to set up their own culture and values,” said Jindal, “that’s not immigration. That’s really invasion if you’re honest about it.”
Jindal spoke to the problems plaguing Europe as Western countries welcome an influx of Muslim immigrants. “If we’re not careful, the same no-go zones you’re seeing now in Europe will come to America.”
No-go zones are areas in France and other European countries where Islamic immigrants have essentially set up mini-communities where Sharia law trumps the law of the land. According to numerous media reports, police and other citizens stay out of the areas for fear of attack. Liberals fiercely deny the existence of these zones, but the evidence is substantial.
Of course, it’s a mystery why the left would deny these areas exist with such fervor, especially considering that they fully approve of ethnic enclaves that eschew the culture and values of the larger society. That’s what the liberal idea of multiculturalism is all about. Instead of a true melting pot, they want to see America become a collection of mini-countries, none of which need to proclaim themselves as Americans first and foremost. Consider a recent op-ed on the Al Jazeera website, where the author asks why American Muslims must assimilate. He draws comparisons to the Hasidic Jew community in New York and the Amish enclaves in Pennsylvania. But there is one small factor that he fails to mention: there are no records of Amish or Hasidic terrorist attacks against innocent civilians.
Jindal’s concerns about non-assimilation can be viewed as an attack on those communities, but he’s not proposing to force Muslims to adopt American values. He’s making an argument for the ideals of the United States. If that argument happens to irritate other religious sects, so be it. But those sects are not on the radar because they pose no threat to the American way of life. When Hasidic Jews begin hijacking airplanes and shooting up satirical magazine offices, maybe we can broaden the conversation. Until then, those communities are nothing but a distraction.
Calling Jindal the “new face of bigotry,” one liberal outlet noted his own Indian immigrant background. But in doing so, they reveal that they have missed the whole point. Americans, conservatives, and Bobby Jindal are not anti-immigration. We are anti-illegal immigration, and we stand firmly against people who want to come here, set up shop, and deny American values. And we are certainly against those who want to come here and kill innocent people in the name of their hateful religion. You’d think that would be something liberals could get behind, but that might mean sacrificing minority votes. Can’t have that.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/jindal-speaks-truth-to-islam-warns-of-colonization/#sthash.pYG9kLsP.dpuf
My comments: Jindal is exactly correct. Islam is a scourge wherever they go. Their Koran demands this. The Koran Incites Violence against Everyone, even their own.
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