Friday, January 23, 2015





Principal: 'Parent has complained her 10-year-old daughter was asked if she knew what     they did'

A Christian school in Britain whose students were grilled by “hostile” government inspectors about lesbianism has been given the lowest possible rating, even though its students regularly achieve among the highest test scores in the region.
And the principal of Grindon Hall Christian School in Sunderland says it’s simply because of an anti-Christian bias.
“We are proud of our school and its staff. We have a Christian ethos which our parents love. We have happy, high achieving pupils, and we are oversubscribed – we always have a lot more applications than we have places, Principal Chris Gray said in a statement released to supporters after the government condemnation of the school.
Nevertheless, Gray said, the approach of the U.K.’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, or OFSTED, “to us was negative at every stage, as if the data collected had to fit a predetermined outcome.”
“To issue a report that grades the best performing secondary state-funded school in Sunderland (latest published GCSE results) as the worst defies all common sense and logic,” he continued, “We take any criticism seriously and aspire to the highest standards for our pupils. We continually strive to be better, but this report, prompted by the new ‘British Values’ rules, lacks any sense of proportion.”
Those “British Values” are an all-encompassing social agenda that demands schools teach Islam, lesbianism and other alternative-lifestyle values, regardless of their core principles.
John Bingham reported in the London Telegraph a week ago that the inspectors who visited Grindon Hall engaged in questionable behavior.
“They are said to have pressed primary aged girls at Grindon Hall Christian Schoool, in Sunderland, on whether they knew what lesbians ‘did’ and if any of their friends felt trapped in the ‘wrong body.’ They also allegedly questioned children as young as six about their knowledge of Hindu festivals and the Jewish Torah as part of a special inspection.”
The new government rules had been prompted by the nation’s “Trojan Horse” scandal, in which hard-line Muslim groups infiltrated and essentially took over schools in Birmingham, imposing Islam on the public school classes. The rules introduced by Nicky Morgan, the nation’s education secretary, were intended to promote “British Values,” including tolerance and democracy.
Gray and teachers at the school had complained to the government about the apparently biased questioning of students at the time.
In the Telegraph report, Gray said the problem was with an unannounced inspection just before Christmas in which inspectors appeared intent on reporting evidence of intolerance.
“The view was that the Christian ethos of the school was adversely affecting our ability to be open, non-discriminatory, and tolerant,” he said.
An original inspectors’ report had stated the “Christian ethos of the school permeates much of the school’s provision” and has “restricted the development of a broad and balanced approach to the curriculum.” The statement later was removed.
The school opened in 1988, and 2013 performance results show 78 percent of the students were graded 5 or higher on standardized tests, a feat reached by only 59 percent of students nationally.
Gray also cited the changes from the 2014 report to 2015 as evidence of bias.
For example, in 2014, the government reported, “The school’s work to keep pupils safe and secure is good. Pupils understand how to keep safe and are quick to recognize when bullying, in whatever form it takes, occurs. School records of bullying, anti-social behavior or racist behavior incidents show a very small number of incidents, but actions taken by staff are effective.”
But the December report said, “Pupils have little confidence in the schools (sic) systems to address bullying.”
Also, in 2014 regarding behavior and safety, the government said, “Pupils’ behavior and safety are good.”
Then, in December, the report said: “Pupils are not adequately safeguarded. Leaders have not acted with sufficient urgency to address weaknesses identified from recent incidents.”
“The Ofsted report issued to us today will come as a huge shock to our parents, pupils and staff because they – along with anyone who knows us – will not recognize the school portrayed there,” Gray wrote. “It is now well known that the manner in which inspectors questioned our pupils in November was hostile, inappropriate and raises serious safeguarding issues.”
He said the government has not responded to his, or the teachers’, complaints.
Gray had pointed out to the government that students as young as primary grades were asked about transgenderism.
“Another parent has complained to me in writing that her 10-year-old daughter was asked if she knew what lesbians ‘did.’”
Gray told the Telegraph, “I am concerned that the manner and content of questioning of pupils crossed the line into harassment.”
“We are a Christian school,” Gray said in his statement. “Under our funding agreement and the law, we have a duty to prioritize the teaching of the Christian faith. At the same time, we make sure our children respect people of all faiths and none.
“The questioning by the inspectors makes clear that their idea of a balanced curriculum is for us to force pupils to celebrate non-Christian religious festivals. This would breach our Christian foundation which stipulates that we are a Christian school. … No one should be told by a government official to celebrate any religion. Learn about it, yes. Celebrate its festivals, no.”
WND reported in October when Trinity Christian School in Reading was threatened with closure, even though it previously had been rated “good” and “excellent,” because it didn’t “promote” other religions.
WND reported the U.K.’s official education inspector told the independent Christian school that it was out of step with “British values” prescribed by the government and must invite someone from another faith, such as a Muslim imam, to lead assemblies or risk being closed.
The nonprofit British charity Christian Institute has said it may mount a legal challenge.
WND also has reported the new government requirements also have come under fire from the National Association of Jewish Orthodox Schools, which said it was “appalled” by the demands.

My comments: The government of Britain is anti-Chrsit. They are promoting godless, Secular Humanism as is America. They have been pushing their despicable doctrines on Christians for decades through FORCE of Law. This is Evil and of the Devil. Christians must removed themselves from as much government control as they can. 

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