Friday, December 26, 2014


As I stood on the sandy beach, I saw a Beast
[The Lawless One, the Antichrist]
Coming up out of the sea with Ten Horns and Seven heads.

And the Beast that I saw resembled a Leopard,
His feet were like those of a Bear, and his mouth was like that of a Lion.
And to him the Dragon [Satan] gave his [own] might and power,
His [own] Throne and Great Dominion.

And One of his Heads seemed to have a deadly wound.
But his death stroke was healed,
And the WHOLE EARTH went after the Beast in amazement and admiration.

They fell down and did homage to the Dragon,
Because he had bestowed on the Beast ALL his Dominion and authority;
They also praised and worshiped the Beast,
Exclaiming, Who is a match for the Beast,
And who can make war against him? (Revelation 13:1-4, AMP)

The Beast is the son of Satan—Satan in a body
Just as Christ Jesus is the Son of God--God Almighty in a body.
Satan gives the Beast his Throne and Great Dominion.
What is his Throne and Dominion—the Whole World [1 John 5:19]--
ALL but those who names are written in the Lamb's Book of LIFE.

What Event will Identify him?
He will have a deadly wound and it will be healed.
And this will cause the WHOLE EARTH to go after him
In amazement and admiration.
The Whole World will praise and worship him.
There is no one on earth his match--
No one on earth capable of making war against him.

Today, there is only one Nation on earth
That no other Nation dare make war against and that is the USA--
For any Nation to do so would mean their ANNIHILATION.

What am I saying?
I am saying that it is most likely that the Beast is the President of the USA.
Just as it is most likely that New York City is the Babylon
Of Revelation 17 and 18, as no other City on earth
Meets the requirements of this description.

Is it a coincidence that the current President of the USA
Is the most arrogant and the most defiant against God and His Word--
The most pro-Abortion Murder, the most anti-Christ, and against Christians
Of any that the USA has ever had? I don't think so.

Remember there were those who likened him to “god”
Newsweek magazine spoke of him in June 5, 2009:

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

Thomas elaborated on Obama as God, patronizingly explaining: "He's going to bring all different sides together...Obama is trying to sort of tamper everything down. He doesn't even use the word terror. He uses extremism. He's all about let us reason together...He's the teacher. He is going to say, ‘now, children, stop fighting and quarreling with each other.’ And he has a kind of a moral authority that he – he can – he can do that." In response, Matthews wondered: "If there's a world election between him and Osama Bin Laden, he's running a good campaign." Thomas agreed: "Yes, he is."

Has anyone ever spoken of a US president like this before?
No they have not.
This remark came right out to the mouth of Satan himself.
It came out of the mouth of a godless man looking for a “savior.”
Ironically all the godless are looking for a “savior.”

I remember hearing of a French official who said
That the World was looking for a man who could solve the World's problems,
And if he could be found, be he God or the Devil, the World would serve him.
This is exactly what Scripture tells us happens—
The Whole world makes the decision to serve the Devil.

Last April [Nov. 1, 2012], Bishop Daniel Jenky, a Catholic bishop from Illinois, delivered a homily claiming that President Obama “now seems intent on following a similar path” to Adolf Hitler because of his “radical, pro abortion and extreme secularist agenda.” On Wednesday, he came within a hair of ordering every priest under his supervision to campaign for Mitt Romney.

Obama has trampled on the US Congress
And the Constitution continually,
And continues to do so.
He has pursued his “TRANSFORMATION” of America with a vengeance,
Which is the conversion of America
Into a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist State.

Would it surprise me if is he is wounded
And his wound seems to be miraculously healed. No it would not.
Would it surprise me, that as a result of this,
That the Whole World went after him in amazement and admiration?
No it would not.
And could the World, not then declare: “Who can make war against him?”
Who is a match for the Beast?”

Where do you think Obama's anti-Christ actions are leading?

Is it a coincidence that he is anti-Israel?
Israel who has a PROMISE from God Almighty that she will remain, FOREVER.

Is is a coincidence that he supports the Muslim Brotherhood
And has put members of them in his Administration--
That he supported Egypt's Morsi who tried to be come Egypt's Islamic Dictator.

Is it a coincidence that he removed many sanctions form Iran
Which weakened the US position in the Nuclear Arms Negotiations.

Is it a coincidence that he just renewed diplomatic relations
With Communist Cuba, saving it from economic ruin.

Is it a coincidence that he has opened the Southern Border of the US
Thereby NULLIFYING US Sovereignty.
Is all of this a coincidence? I don't think so.

The list goes on--
Obama Masquerades as and angel of light but his actions are Wicked.
He has proven himself a Liar--it seems to be his Native Language.
He is a Murderer of the unborn—
He is like his father Satan, who came to Steal, Kill and Destroy [John 10:10].
Obama is a puppet of Satan, doing his will.
If this manifests itself in his being Satan's Antichrist I will not be surprised.

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
This World in its present form is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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