Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Conservative Tribune

BREAKING: Texas Just Made a Huge Announcement… The Resistance Is Starting

There’s nothing quiet about Texas Governor-elect Greg Abbott’s transition from his current Attorney General post to the the state’s top executive office.
In a flourish that showcased his conservative principles, duty to his current office, and freshly minted referendum from the people of the Lone Star State, Abbott threw down the gauntlet to Obama on executive action regarding amnesty. (H/T: BizPacReview)
Interviewed on Fox News Monday, Abbott said Texas will sue the Obama administration if the president tries to overstep the bounds of his executive power and interfere in immigration and naturalization issues.
“If the president crosses the line he’s going to see an overwhelming rejection of what he’s trying to do, so he better not overstep,” Abbott said, adding, “if he does, for one of course we’ll be involved with another lawsuit against him but [for] another you can expect quite a strong pushback [from the people].”
Abbott, and sitting governor Ricky Perry, face a difficult situation in the border state of Texas, made all the harder by the Obama administration’s utter refusal to enforce the law of the land
But Obama can’t leave bad enough alone, and instead of simply being a non-actor who refuses to enforce the law, the president is determined to actually promote additional illegal immigration, approving programs that attract illegals and working on programs that will allow those illegals to stay once they get here.
Obama’s entire flawed worldview manifests in the illegals/amnesty issue. He has no respect for the rule of lawHe doesn’t care about AmericansHe wants to redistribute American wealth. And he believes his ideas are more important than those of the people he works for. He is completely self-centered and self-deluded.

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