Sunday, October 12, 2014


Who am I? - by Karen Pourbabaee

“God is not far from each of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:27-28 NAS

It’s the universal cry of every man’s heart…who am I? Why am I here? And for what purpose? We’ll never be fulfilled until we answer that question for ourselves.

Some seek truth in psychology or philosophy. Others look for validation and self-identification in the eyes of others. Careers and various roles attempt to define us. But the mirrors of this world will never reflect the image of who we really are. 

Our life… our living, moving, and our being, originates far from this earthly realm. Who we are originated before time in the heart of God.
Are you seeking self-identity? Skip philosophical theories. Dump the self-help books. Turn your eyes from the world; it is a distorted mirror. Seek the heart of God to discover who He created you to be. The Father’s loving heart is our true mirror.

His Word reminds us that He is not far from us. First of all He gives us life, physical birth. He numbers our days when there was yet not one of them. Secondly, in Him we move…He gives us the ability and the strength to travel, journey, progress, and learn.

Finally, we have our being in Him, our fundamental nature, all the mental, emotional, and spiritual qualities that comprise who we are. We are first His child, but when we catch the vision of our unique being within His heart, many questions will be answered. Revelation of purpose will fill our souls that we may take a step toward our destiny.

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