Thursday, October 2, 2014


Krauthammer: White House Suffering 'Crisis of Competence'

October 2, 2014 - 10:30 AM
In light of domestic scandal involving our nation's leadership and the chaos taking place abroad in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia, one could tangibly feel American confidence in the government plummeting.
Last night on Fox News, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer discussed this "sense in the country" that our leadership is falling apart, which he argued is a direct consequence of a "crisis of competence" in the White House.
Krauthammer explained that this drop in confidence did not occur over night, but gradually over time with one policy blunder after the other: nationalizing health care, expanding government agencies, withdrawing troops from the Middle East...
"It takes years until the consequences of that are seen."
He cited the turmoil underway in Libya, Syria, and Iraq, Putin's march in Eastern Europe, and the publicized scandals at home implicating our very own government agencies.
"IRS, the VA, the Secret Service... All the institutions that, in the past, you'd make a movie about... All of these agencies that we have trust in, under this administration, are showing how badly the government is run.
"You combine them and get a sense that everything is out of control."

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