Friday, October 10, 2014


Under the teachings of the Quran and Sharia Law, it is very specific about what Muslims are allowed or not allowed to do. For instance, Muslims are not supposed to lie, be friends with “infidels,” or do sinful things such as drink or visit strip clubs. However, there is a caveat to this, and that is if Muslims are pursuing a higher command (such as jihad) they can violate the lower commands of the Quran for the sake of blending in with our society.
Want to Piss Off Muslims? Learn the 4 Deception Tactics They’re Using to Take Over America
Whether you are ready to face reality or not, the fact remains that there is a plan in place to implement Sharia Law into all facets of American society. Adopting Sharia Law in America would be rejected by most Americans, as it calls for the subjugation of women, killing homosexuals, stoning women who commit adultery, cutting off of limbs for anyone caught stealing, and many more ridiculous rules and laws.
Want to Piss Off Muslims? Learn the 4 Deception Tactics They’re Using to Take Over America
In order for Sharia Law to creep into our society, it must be done slowly through highly-honed tactics. And the following are the four Arabic terms that non-Muslims should fully understand in order to combat this deception.
1. Takiyya
This means that Muslims are allowed to lie, and conceal their true thoughts, feelings, or character. It is based on the verse in the Quran which states:
“Let believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does has nothing to hope for from Allah – except in self-defense.” (Surah 3:28)
Because Muslims feel as though their actions against us are in “self-defense,” this provides justification for their lying. Osama Bin Laden claimed that the attacks on Sept 11 were justified because it was “self defense.” Islamic Sharia Law also validates lying for a higher aim:
“When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2 )
2. Tawriya
This term means that it is ok to lie in virtually all circumstances. Tawirya is when a Muslim says one thing, but basically means another. You could think of it as creative lying. As long as his words technically support the alternate meaning, it is ok to lie. For example: you could as a Muslim if they know where Abdullah is. They could respond “no” to you, as long as they keep in mind a totally different Abdullah than who you are asking about.
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3. Kitman
This term is when Muslims only tell you part of the truth. Perhaps the biggest lie Muslims try to push is in relation to the term “jihad.” I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard Muslims try to claim that the term refers to an “internal” or “spiritual struggle” and has nothing to do with terrorism. This is a complete crock of… well you know.
4. Muruna
This term means that Muslims can use flexibility to blend in with their enemy and surroundings. As long as they can justify their behavior as deceiving the infidel in order to attain a higher goal, then it is perfectly ok. So Muslims can shave their beards, wear western clothing, or drink alcohol in order to blend in. If they can convince you they are a part of your society, they are pretty much off the hook for obeying the verses of the Quran which forbids this type of behavior. A common way of using muruna is for Muslims to take non-Muslims as their spouses so their true agenda does not come under scrutiny. A perfect example of muruna in practice is Hilary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin marrying Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner. This arrangement provided Huma unprecedented access to the White House, and throughout it all, her true intentions were never questioned.
Want to Piss Off Muslims? Learn the 4 Deception Tactics They’re Using to Take Over America
The implications of these tactics are far-reaching, as Muslims are able to blend more and more into our society, infiltrating high-levels of government such as the FBI, Homeland Security, the CIA, and even the White House.
Want to Piss Off Muslims? Learn the 4 Deception Tactics They’re Using to Take Over America
Through these high-level authoritative positions, Muslims are able to legislate, decide how our borders are protected, and implement policies and procedures which make entry into our country easy for terrorists. The possibilities are endless.
If you view Muslims with suspicion, there’s a special label that’s been coined just for you, as those who question them will immediately be labeled as “bigots” or as having “Islamophobia.” But arming ourselves with the truth is the only way we can stop this infiltration and combat this great deception taking place in America.  Now that you know the truth, you have a responsibility to share it with everyone you know!
My comments: The only way America will combat the scourge of Islam is to love and serve God.  

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