Wednesday, September 10, 2014


From Dr. Mike Evans:
In my book Atomic Iran, I indicated that President Obama would lessen sanctions against Iran in an attempt secure the country’s assistance in Iraq. That appears to be happening right now. Iran’s Shi’ite leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has given permission to Qassem Suleimani, Revolutionary Guard leader, to meet with US military officials in an attempt to halt the forward progress of ISIS, the Islamic State.

It is reminiscent of one of Aesop’s Fables, “The Farmer and the Viper.” In the story the farmer finds a nearly frozen viper in the snow. In an attempt to revive the creature, he tucks it away inside his coat. Once the need for assistance has been met, the viper revives and bites the farmer who subsequently dies. The word “Iran” could be substituted for “viper” and the word “America” for “farmer” as we will soon realize once the immediate threat of danger from ISIS has passed.

Both Israel and Saudi Arabia are very concerned as they are in the direct line of fire of a nuclear Iran. Saudi Arabia shares a border with Iraq and has a cadre of Shi’ites residing near the nation’s oil fields. Israel’s concerns center around the fact that Iran funds both Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. With lessened sanctions, Iran would have an atomic umbrella that could protect a 100-fold expansion of Shi’ite terrorism.

Like other predominately Shi’a nations in the Persian Gulf region, Iran fears that the Sunni-controlled Islamic State poses a serious threat to its own stability. Israel is correctly concerned about any union between the West and Iran given Khamanei’s past rhetoric against that country. He has called Zionism “a danger for all humanity.” Even if every nation on Earth turns against the Jewish state, you and I must stand firm in defense and support of Israel. I urgently need your help today

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