Exclusive: Joshua Charles warns readers against wanting a 'perfect' response to terrorists
Joshua Charles - WND
Such a thought is what has occurred to me (borrowed from the estimable Dennis Prager, I believe) in light of the genocide taking place at the hand of ISIS.
The use of force must always be accompanied by extreme care. But once an enemy has revealed his unstoppable intent to destroy, mutilate and murder countless innocents, there are few options left than to stop him by any means necessary.
In an imperfect world, shooting for the “perfect” outcome is actually counterproductive. Some might say, “Well, the perfect should be our standard.” But this is mistaken. Why? Because there simply is NO perfect in a fallen world. The standard we should shoot for, instead, is the “best,” which too often (tragically) involves a choice of the bad over worse, or worse over worst, but can also include the seeds of improvement. By shooting for the completely theoretical “perfect,” we thereby blind ourselves to latent realities, which will cause our decisions to be less effective as we search for a metaphysical abstraction that simply does not exist.
I believe this is what men like Bonhoeffer meant when they said the Christian was called to be responsible in the world. We cannot bury our heads in the sand and through theological abstraction come up with some theoretical “perfect” in our mind, which then becomes the criterion for our actions. This is morally unacceptable and irresponsible, and it applies to countless situations in daily life, not just geopolitical questions.
These thoughts are particularly uppermost in my mind at the moment given that we crossed that boundary in time which marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of World War II (Sept. 1). Churchill called it the “Unnecessary War.” In his magisterial six-volume memoir of his time as prime minister during the war, he wrote that he sought to explain “How the English-speaking peoples through their unwisdom [sic], carelessness, and good nature allowed the wicked to rearm.”
Hitler made no secret of his plans, as was plainly clear upon both the reading of his words and the observation of his actions. We face enemies today who, in like manner, have made no effort at concealing their plans, no effort at obscuring their contempt for mankind and every effort to make sure we know this is so.
This is where perhaps the most sagacious observation of Churchill becomes particularly apt: It was not just the “unwisdom” or the “carelessness” of the English-speaking peoples that allowed the wicked to rearm; it was the “good nature.” What could this possibly mean?
Perhaps it means that tendency to presume that some in the world can really not be as inherently and maddeningly destructive as they may say they intend to be. Perhaps it means that it is not our faith in humanity that could entangle us in an unintended and tripped upon web of carnage, but our faith that all of humanity is just like us in its goals, aspirations,and desires. The sardonic glares of ISIS ought to rouse us from such notions.
I am not saying I have all the answers on questions such as ISIS. I don’t. But I do hope, and earnestly prayer, that we shall not be blinded by our best intentions and our noble abstractions into allowing the world to again careen toward catastrophe when it could have all been avoided. This shall be my prayer for our leaders, including President Obama. May God grant him wisdom.
Read more at comments: God cannot grant Obama wisdom, because Obama is at war with God, His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant and His Commandments. The English speaking World has become godless and that is the essence of their problem. It is a problem that can only be remedied by REPENTANCE. God Almighty is the only protection any Nation has. Without God's protection a Nation is vulnerable to every sort of Evil.
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