Thursday, September 11, 2014

Anti-Christ Obama Asks God To Bless America

Last night in his speech to the Nation,
Mr. Obama shamelessly ended it by declaring, God bless America, again.

The man who is in overt defiance of God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments,
Asks God Almighty to bless the America he rules?

The primary promoter of Abortion Murderer,
Responsible for the Murder of more than 3,000 of the unborn every day,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The primary promoter of Same-Sex Marriage in defiance of God's Word,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The primary promoter of Homosexual “rights,” in defiance of God's Word,
Asks God to bless America?

The man who FORCES Christians, by Law,
To do that which is against their Faith and Conscience;
An action that is against Christ Himself,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The man who PURGES the Military of Christian expression,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The man who has forsaken the Founding Principles of this nation,
And the Constitution written by the Founders, who honored God,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The man who indoctrinates America's children
Into ever increasing godlessness
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The man who has spent the Future of the next generation
By his Profligate spending asks God Almighty to bless America?

The man, who, by his actions, opened the Southern Border of the US,
NULLIFYING America's Sovereignty as a Nation,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

The man who called the slaughter of America soldiers
By a Radical Islamic man, crying out “Allah Akbar,” “work place violence,”
Claims to be concerned about America's Military;
Sir, you are not believable!

The man who LIES so much it has become his native language,
Asks God Almighty to bless America?

Mr. Obama your actions speak so loud we cannot hear what you say,
Nor will God Almighty.

Your and your Party's godlessness has rendered this Nation DEFENSELESS,
As God Almighty is the only One Who is able to Protect America
And He WILL NOT Protect a Nation in Rebellion against Him.

Your actions have brought the CURSE of God Almighty,
For DISOBEDIENCE to Him, that He declared in Deuteronomy 28,
Upon this Nation.

This Nation is being ground to powder because of you and your Party's
Dishonoring of God Almighty.

SHAME ON YOU for asking God Almighty to Bless the America
When it is you who have brought His CURSE upon America
By you and your Party's godlessness!

Today, you fool no one except those who are as godless as you.
You are an Evil man, an Impostor, going from bad to worse,
Deceiving and being Deceived [2 Timothy 3:13];
Never telling Americans it was your intent to “TRANSFORM” America
Into a godless, Secular Humanist Nation, in DEFIANCE of God Almighty.

You could REPENT and God would receive that REPENTANCE,
But will you?

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