Wednesday, September 24, 2014





Exclusive: Selena Owens laments loss of 'the divine essence' from republic's fabric

America’s first Supreme Court chief justice, John Jay, stated, “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is their duty – as well as privilege and interest – of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
A nation is only as good as its leaders. America is sorely lacking in godly leadership. Look at America’s politicians; lawlessness and hypocrisy are the norm. Of course, there are some godly leaders in our nation’s capital; however, all too often, godlessness trumps principles. Actually, godliness is scarce in all sectors of American society – and that’s a problem.
For obvious reasons, the lack of godly leadership is a problem. Without godly leaders, nations slip into debauchery, upheavals and rampant lawlessness. Godless leaders inject into society a plethora of depraved lifestyles, twisted thinking and rebellion, which strip the divine essence of godliness and morality from the American fabric.
Godless leaders pervert righteousness and justice; they call good evil and evil good. They corrupt ethical standards and practice intentional lawlessness without regard to its harmful effect upon others. In fact, godless leaders are driven in large part by such effects to do what they do. Being godless renders them incapable of caring about or understanding the plights that others suffer at their hands – although they put on a compassionate front or politicize their explanations. Such hypocrites.
And America is suffering at their hands.
Some might argue that godlessness doesn’t factor that much into America’s problems, attributing her vast dilemmas to years of reckless politics, low-info/no-info voters, or sellouts on both sides of the political spectrum. Rather than being the reasons for America’s problems, those factors are the results of godless leadership.
Godless leaders are detrimental to America’s longevity, so much so that the political drivel and bantering in both major political parties that effectively distracts from deeply embedded matters can no longer be ignored or take backseat status without severe repercussions. For America to survive this atrocious, lawless current administration, as well as the effects of many years of bailouts, sellouts and cop-outs, godly leaders must lead America.
Our first president had this to say about godly leadership: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable.”
John Adams stated, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
America was founded, established and preserved by men and women who, through biblical principles and godly leadership, forged their way through separation from the tyrannical grip of Britain, fought and won an against-all-odds revolution and gained independence. Twice. The same fight for liberty in the Revolution was repeated almost 30 years later in the War of 1812. One of the war’s results was Francis Scott Key penning the famous poem that would later become our national anthem. His inspirational words speak to the presence of God throughout that fearful night of bombing and fighting and testify of godly morals and leadership in that defining moment in America’s history:
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
America once stood as a testament to the devotion of such brave souls who believed in ethical principles and exemplified godly leadership. They knew that in order to not just survive and make it, but to truly be established as a beacon of hope to the world generations over, godly leadership had to be at the helm of family, society, education and, especially, government.
But America is now ridiculed, threatened and attacked by enemies who have zero regard for our godless POTUS. America is rapidly losing her spiritual essence, the divine glue that holds this country together. The more godless we become, the less God intervenes. We can arm ourselves and fight our enemies to the end, but without divine intervention, it won’t prevail.
We need godly leaders not only in government, but first and foremost, in our homes. My husband often says, “The greatest power resides in your house, not the White House.” It’s true.
Each of us can and should be that godly leader. We only fool ourselves if we think we can manage America by politics, anarchy or war. God blessed America. Now America needs to bless God if we want to survive.

My comments: America is at the crossroads, she will either bless God or go under.

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