Monday, September 15, 2014

2014: Germans Call For Gassing Of Jews

DAVID AND GOLIATH Why Israel, always defending against genocidal attacks,
is portrayed as the aggressor

In Germany, the crowds were feverishly chanting "Jew, coward pig, come out and fight alone" and "Jews to the gas" and other vile, murderous incitements. 
But this was not Kristallnacht ("the night of broken glass"), the notorious 1938 mass attacks on Jews that foreshadowed the Holocaust. It is today's Germany – which, like much of Europe and the rest of the world, is currently experiencing a huge and fiery resurgence of raw Jew-hatred.

"When calls for Jews to be gassed, burned and murdered are bawled on the streets of Germany, that no longer has anything to do with Israel's politics and Gaza," said Dieter Graumann, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. "It is the most abhorrent form of anti-Semitism." 
Indeed, as revealed in the September issue of Whistleblower magazine, the current explosion of hatred of Jews is the outcrop of something much deeper and more consequential than just public reaction to Israel's war with Hamas.


Titled "DAVID AND GOLIATH: Why Israel, always defending against genocidal attacks, is portrayed as the aggressor," Whistleblower documents the stunning emergence of virulent anti-Semitism:

    •   In France, eight synagogues and a kosher supermarket were attacked, and a mob of about 400, chanting "Death to Jews" and "Slit Jews' throats," firebombed a synagogue in a Paris suburb.

    •  The Jewish owners of dozens of shops in Rome have found swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans scrawled on shutters and windows, including "Jews, your end is near."
    •  In Manchester, England, occupants in a group of cars shouted "Heil Hitler" and swore at Jewish pedestrians.

    •  In Belgium, a cafĂ© refused to serve a Jewish woman, posting a sign with the message, "Dogs welcome, Jews not." Similar scenes are playing out all across Europe.

    •  In Australia, police arrested five people after a group of Jewish schoolchildren were abused and threatened by eight drunken men. "They were screaming 'Heil Hitler,' 'Kill the Jews,' 'Palestine must kill you Jews,' 'We are going to cut your throats and slice your throats open,'" said one eyewitness.

      In NATO-member Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Erdogan outright compared Israel to Hitler.
    •  And the U.N. "Human Rights Council" recently named a three-member international commission to investigate Israel's supposed "war crimes" during Operation Protective Edge – chaired by a notoriously anti-Israel academic who has repeatedly demanded the International Criminal Court prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal.

    •  Even in the United States, anti-Semitism is emergent: A rabbi in North Miami Beach, wearing the traditional Orthodox black hat and long coat, was gunned down on his way to temple. In Brooklyn, a 24-year-old Jewish man was punched in the face and knocked to the sidewalk by three teenagers, while the next day, a 9-year-old Jewish boy was riding his bike when three male teenagers hit him in the back of the head. In Boston, pro-Israel supporters had to be rescued from an angry crowd shouting "Jews back to Birkenau" and "Drop dead, you Zionazi whores." Similar examples throughout the U.S. abound.

So what is really behind this worldwide outbreak of anti-Semitism? 
As "DAVID AND GOLIATH" documents, there's more at play here than just the Gaza war with its dead civilians, more than biased media coverage, more than Muslim immigration into Western societies.

"Like Ebola, the world is witnessing a resurgent epidemic of the primordial 'virus' of anti-Semitism," says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. "A bizarre moral inversion is gripping much of the world – it is a global, even metaphysical, phenomenon – and Whistleblower reveals it all in this very hard-hitting and thought-provoking issue."

Highlights of "DAVID AND GOLIATH" include:

    •  "When David becomes Goliath: Understanding the world's moral inversion when it comes to Israel" by David Kupelian

    •  "Kristallnacht 2014" – a guided tour of anti-Semitic demonstrations and crimes now exploding worldwide, by Art Moore
    •  "Western anti-Semitism and Israel's options" by Walter E. Williams, who reminds Israel's critics: "There's no nice war, and that's why war should be a last alternative"

    •  "The Ebola-like plague of anti-Semitism sweeping the West" by Avi Davis, who says the unthinkable is happening: "Jews are once again openly threatened in Germany and sometimes attacked"
    •  "The world's ultimate disinformation campaign: Unearthing the astonishing biblical and historical roots of anti-Semitism and Israel hatred" by Joseph Farah

    •  "The genocide libel" by Dennis Prager, who explains why some world leaders consider Israel "worse than the Nazis"
    •  "Jon Voight fires back at celebs condemning Israel," in which the famous actor sharply rebukes his Hollywood peers who have publicly condemned Israel over the Gaza war, telling them, "You should hang your heads in shame"

    •  "Was Israel justified in going after Hamas terrorist tunnels?" by Alan M. Dershowitz, in which the top lawyer rebuts U.N. accusations of Israeli "war crimes" and "indiscriminate killing"
    •  "Revealing the Nazi connection to Islamic terror" by Chuck Morse. Why exactly was that famous Jerusalem mufti seen cozying up to Hitler?

    •  "Top 10 differences between Israel and 'the Palestinians'" by Don Feder, a quick summary of how 3,300 years of turbulent history has ended up

    •  "Anatomy of an anti-Semite," a glimpse into the strange and delusional mental processes of a Jew-hater, by David Kupelian

    •  "Uprooted Jews 'ready to return to Gaza,'" in which a Gush Katif pioneer says former Jewish residents would line up to move back to Gaza if given a chance
    •  "Never again: Why Israel must not ever cede Judea and Samaria" by Joseph Farah.
"This special issue of Whistleblower," says Kupelian, "which includes a comprehensive report by WND founder and Mideast expert Joseph Farah definitively laying out the historical and biblical roots of Jew-hatred, is a great read – eye-opening, powerful and life-affirming."

My comments: The World HATES THE JEWS because, like Christians, they represent God Almighty and His Chrsit Jesus on this earth. And Satan who rules over the World incites this HATRED.

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