What would you do to defend your faith?Watch the inspiring and unforgettable movie of a young man being challenged on his faith. | |||||||||
All Christians around the world are in need of faith and courage. "God's Not Dead" presents a perfect example of a strong young Christian who protects his faith and his freedom. Present-day college freshman and devout Christian Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper) finds his faith challenged on his first day of philosophy class by the dogmatic and argumentative Professor Radisson (Kevin Sorbo). Radisson begins class by informing students that they will need to disavow, in writing, the existence of God on that first day, or face a failing grade. As other students in the class begin scribbling the words "God Is Dead" on pieces of paper as instructed, Josh finds himself at a crossroads, having to choose between his faith and his future. Josh offers a nervous refusal, provoking an irate reaction from his smug professor. Radisson assigns him a daunting task: If Josh will not admit that "God Is Dead," he must prove God's existence by presenting well-researched intellectual arguments and evidence over the course of the semester, and engage Radisson in a head-to-head debate in front of the class. If Josh fails to convince his classmates of God's existence, he will fail the course and hinder his lofty academic goals. With almost no one in his corner, Josh wonders if he can really fight for what he believes. Can he actually prove the existence of God? Wouldn't it be easier just to write "God Is Dead" and put the whole incident behind him? "God's Not Dead" weaves together multiple stories of faith, doubt and disbelief, culminating in a dramatic call to action. The film will educate, entertain and inspire moviegoers to explore what they really believe about God, igniting important conversations and life-changing decisions. "God's Not Dead" features a talented cast of actors including Kevin Sorbo ("Soul Surfer," "Hercules," "Andromeda"); Shane Harper ("Good Luck Charlie," "High School Musical 2"); David A.R. White ("Brother White," "Revelation Road," "Jerusalem Countdown"); and Dean Cain ("Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman"); with special appearances by Christian superband the Newsboys and "Duck Dynasty's" Willie and Korie Robertson. This inspiring movie motivates and challenges Christians to stand up for Christ and spread God's word. Nonbelievers who have viewed this film claim it inspired them to find what they believe and stand by it. You cannot miss this film! "God's Not Dead" is the perfect movie to show at your own church. What people are saying about "God's Not Dead": "'God's Not Dead' is an important and wonderful family movie everyone should see. You will love it!" – Alan Sears, president, CEO and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom "God's Not Dead is cut out of today's headlines. The courage of a university student who takes on his atheist professor makes for a gripping story that reflects how Christians and Christian groups suffer severe discrimination on most college campuses today." – Tim Wildmon, president, American Family Association "This is a powerful film. Kevin Sorbo turns in a brilliant performance as a Philosophy professor who starts his new class by insisting that his students sign a paper stating 'God is dead.' One student, named Josh, refuses to do so and Professor Jeffery (Sorbo) tells him he must debate the topic that God is dead and give convincing evidence that he is not. Josh accepts the challenge and the viewer later learns why Professor Jeffery has been bitter at God for a long time. It should be noted that the professor's girlfriend is a Christian but he just can't seem to outrun God. … Other plots involve a man named Mark (Dean Cain) who is self absorbed and doesn't care when he learns his girlfriend has cancer. He ignores his elderly mother too who has dementia and is in a nursing home. This compelling movie features the Newsboys who minister to the woman with cancer and a providential moment when Pastor Dave (David A.R. White) has an opportunity to minister to a certain college professor. In addition, a woman lives for Jesus despite the fact her father belongs to another religion and will reject her if she doesn't reject Christ. We are happy to award this movie our Dove "Family-Approved" Seal for ages twelve plus. This movie is a powerful tool to remind every viewer: God is certainly not dead!" – The Dove Foundation for the discounted price of $22.49. Faith soars to new heights on filmGroundbreaking movie bridges gap between God, silver screen For the last several years, WND has been at the forefront of reporting the remarkable influence Christian artists have been having on the movie-making industry. WND has been there, reporting from the red carpet of the annual Movieguide Awards Gala and interviewing stars like John Schneider, Kirk Cameron and Roma Downey, who are seeking to use their talents and connections to bring a message of God's love through feature films. Which is why WND is proud to make the award-winning film with a Christian message,"Grace Unplugged," available on DVD from the WND SuperStore. The winner of Movieguide's coveted Epiphany Prize, "Grace Unplugged" is the story of a talented young singer who feels suffocated by her Christian father, but learns leaving God behind when she leaves home comes with even more troubling problems. Get your copy of "Grace Unplugged" on DVD now! In fact, WND's movie critic called "Grace Unplugged" "a major step forward in Christian filmmaking" and "a movie worth praising," in part, because "it brings real actors with mainstream experience to the roles (including actors from 'The Pretender' and 'Desperate Housewives,' 'Joan of Arcadia' and 'Twilight,' 'Secretariat' and 'Super 8,' among others), rather than relying on church members to shoulder drama they can't carry." WND caught up with A.J. Michalka on the red carpet in Hollywood and asked her if the Christian movie industry – which has long suffered from lower production values – is finally making movies that can compete with the big boys. "It's definitely making a mark – films like 'Fireproof' and everything Kirk Cameron has put out, 'Grace Unplugged,'" Michalka said. "People like the work of ['Grace Unplugged' Producer and Director] Russ Rice and Brad Silverman, who are making really great, quality films that have an amazing message. Get your copy of "Grace Unplugged" on DVD now! "Whether they know it or not, audiences are yearning for something that is deeper than just entertainment in that moment and then leaving the theater and not really feeling anything when they leave," she continued. "I think people yearn for something that is going to teach them and help them grow in life – not just entertainment, but something that makes them think afterward, maybe start up a conversation that they might not have had. And that's what movies like 'Grace Unplugged' are doing." The Dove Foundation awarded "Grace Unplugged" five out of five Doves and said, "We would award it more if we could. It is a well-made inspirational story and features good writing, acting, music; the whole works. Don't miss this one!" "Every once in a while a movie comes along that captures the hearts of viewers without being overly flashy, raunchy, or raw. Honest and unpretentious, 'Grace Unplugged' is just that," added Chris Carpenter of CBN. "Grace Unplugged' is an honest yet realistic portrayal of what many parents face when trying to cultivate a child's talent and desire for God. It is inspiring, thought provoking, and avoids being self-righteous or preachy. It is a must see for any Christian parent." Watch the trailer for "Grace Unplugged" below: Get your copy of "Grace Unplugged" from the WND SuperStore now! And check out WND's entire selection of faith and values-affirming films, including "For Greater Glory," "October Baby," "Amazing Grace" and more! (Stock up on these movies for gifts throughout the year!) This one will raise your faith to new heights. Featuring the voices of an all-star cast, Christ's ageless tale unfolds around the story of a family seeking help for an ailing daughter. When they cross paths with an extraordinary carpenter named Jesus, the family's faith is put to the test as the father is torn between allegiance to the king and the desperate need for the miraculous powers of God. Don't miss this blessed opportunity to witness firsthand the power and the glory of the kingdom of heaven in your own home. Voices include those of Ralph Fiennes, Michael Bryant, Julie Christie, Rebecca Callard and James Frain. WND Superstore movie department. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes and their partners willingly stand up to the worst the world can offer, yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. While they consistently give their best on the job, they quickly discover that their children are beginning to drift further away from them. When tragedy strikes home, the men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith and their fathering. Sherwood Pictures, creators of "Fireproof," returns with this heartfelt, action-packed story. Protecting the streets is second nature to these law enforcement officers. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That takes courage. Starring: Alex Kendrick, Kevin Downes, Ken Bevel, Robert Amaya, Ben Davies Producer: Stephen Kendrick The video includes these special features: Commentary with the Kendrick brothers, deleted scenes, outtakes and bloopers, a 60-second trailer, "The Making of Courageous" and more. "Courageous" is also the latest DVD to be added to the WND Superstore – the home of fine, uplifting, redemptive and clean video entertainment for the whole family. Be sure to check out the 60+ movies, including: Here's one you will find nowhere else – "Gates of Hell," a controversial action thriller by Molotov Mitchell. This is the one that got Planned Parenthood defunded recently by a major supporter. Here's another one you won't find in Blockbuster:"Unidentified."It's not your run-of-the-mill sci-fi movie. It will have you on the edge of your seat, but with a message about eternity and the things that really count. In "Time Changer," the year is 1890 and Bible Professor Russell Carlisle has written a new manuscript. His book is about to receive a unanimous endorsement from the board members at Grace Bible Seminary until his colleague, Dr. Norris Anderson, has "difficulty with something." Dr. Anderson believes what Carlisle has written could greatly affect future generations. Using a secret time machine, Anderson sends Carlisle over 100 years into the future, offering him a glimpse of where his beliefs will lead. "Fireproof"– You've heard about this one – ranked the most inspirational movie of 2008. Time to see it again, if it's been awhile. Then there's "Amazing Grace," the epic story of William Wilberforce and his successful battle to end slavery in the United Kingdom." Great performances. Great cinematography. Great picture. Sports fans, here's one for you: "The Express" is the true story of football hero Ernie Davis and his battles against racial discrimination and prejudice. You'll also love "The Miracle of the Widow," an inspiring spiritual story. Full of surprises. Also, be sure to check out all the documentaries and teaching videos listed by category in the video department of the WND Superstore. Don't ever complain there's nothing to watch on TV if you don't stock up on what's available in the WND Superstore. The WND Superstore – it's not just about books any more. Check out all the great classics and family movies in the expanding WND Superstore movie department. |
Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
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