Wednesday, August 6, 2014

NC Attorney General Refuses To Defend NC's Marriage Amendment

Yesterday, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper held a news conference and announced for the first time that he would no longer defend his state’s law defining marriage as between a man and a woman in court.  Cooper had previously promised that, regardless of his own views, he would abide by the sworn oath of his office and defend the laws of North Carolina in court, including its marriage statute, which was overwhelmingly passed by the people in a referendum in 2012. 

Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed released the following statement in response to Attorney General Cooper’s announcement:

“North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper’s announcement that he no longer feels bound by the oath of his office to defend his state’s marriage statute violates his solemn obligation to protect and defend the constitution and the laws of the state.  As the highest legal officer of the state, Mr. Cooper has a fiduciary responsibility to the people of North Carolina to represent and defend them in court against all legal challenges.  The people of North Carolina spoke on this matter in 2012 when an overwhelming 61 percent voted to define marriage as the union between a man and a woman.  For Mr. Cooper to substitute his own judgment for that of the people is not only unilateral disarmament, but undermines the rule of law.  He is simply wrong that the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Virginia’s marriage law renders his oath of office inoperable.  Faith & Freedom Coalition will make sure every registered voter in the state knows that he turned his back on them and the institution of marriage.  We also call on other state leaders, beginning with U.S. Senator Kay Hagan, to make clear whether or not they agree with the Attorney General’s action in this matter.”
My comments: This is an example of the Dictatorial Democrats IMPOSING  their godless, Secular Humanism on the people of North Carolina over the will of the people.

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