Friday, August 8, 2014

God: The Magnificent Spirit

Magnificent Spirit - by C D SWANSON

“And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.”(Revelation 22:5 KJV)

We’ve had to say “goodbye” through the years to friends who perished with cancer. This hideous disease renders a formerly vibrant individual unrecognizable. While in the flesh the illness makes it nearly impossible to believe it’s your friend… but their spirit remains unchanged. Their spirit filled with an abundance of vitality contradicts their outward appearance.

Others might have lost a loved one to Alzheimer’s. Their minds robbed due to the insidious machinations of this disease. The victims’ families helpless as they watch loved ones spiral downward into a pit of “fog and vapid emptiness.” With fleeting moments of clarity at best…yet their spirit remains untouched, and unscathed.

Those who’ve lost a loved one recently, it’s an enormous degree of satisfaction and solace to realize, that at this moment…that person is “whole and thriving.” Their bodies transformed into pure perfection—looking radiant—while reunited with loved ones, most especially with their Creator.

As we go forward in our lives, embrace the magnificence of the Holy Spirit. Thank God for His enduring mercy and formidable splendor of Glory and love. Thank Him for the opportunity to thrive after we depart from these “flesh bodies” that our spirit is housed in. How marvelous and comforting to know within these bodies are our spirits which will live forever with God.

When a loved one is called home…rejoice at their being set free as they emerge from the cocoon of their temporary flesh body. Smile knowing you’ll see them again to celebrate in the presence of our Father.

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