Monday, August 4, 2014

GOD Intervenes For Israel

Israeli Commander: A “Divine Miracle” Protected Israeli Soldiers [WATC72H STORY]

The American people have shown their support for Israel in many ways during the last several weeks of intense combat between Israel and the radical Islamic terrorists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Congress has passed resolutions offering both moral support and tangible military assistance to the Israelis. Numerous celebrities–including NataliePortman, Robert De Niro, and Scarlett Johansson–have publicly stood with Israel or, like John Voight, against President Obama for abandoning the Jewish state. Thousands of Americans have taken to the streets in pro-Israel demonstrations or committed with Conservative Tribune to pray for Israel on Pray for Israel Day, August 3.
Now, on this day of observance of prayer for Israel, it seems fitting that reports of divine intervention in the current Gaza Strip fighting should begin to come to light.
Colonel Winter of the Israel Defense Forces elite Givati Brigade says that divine intervention concealed soldiers under his command in Gaza from view by the enemy, according to Young Conservatives.
The solders had planned a raid in the early morning hours but had been delayed until after sunrise, forcing them to relocate without the cover of darkness.
Winters said that God sent a “heavy fog” that “descended from out of nowhere” and lasted until “the soldiers were in position,” according to the report. He called the fog a “divine miracle” and said it was a fulfillment of promises made to Joshua when Israel first fought for the Promised Land, as recorded in Deuteronomy.
Whether or not anyone agrees with Colonel Winter’s interpretation of this specific event, anyone who has studied Israel’s history knows that there are many, many examples of Israeli victories and similar stories that are difficult–if not impossible–to explain short of divine intervention.
There are certainly those who would argue that God would never support war or violence, and they are entitled to their opinions, of course.
We’re pretty sure, however, that He’s not on the side of anyone using children as human shields.
My comments: You can be sure that God Almighty is defending Israel and He is entirely Supernatural with INFINITE POWER. God Almighty has given Israel a PROMISE that she will remain FOREVER, and He will keep His promise. 

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