Tuesday, August 12, 2014

God Almighty - Clothed With Splendor And Majesty

Splendor and Majesty – by Sharon Dow

O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent. Psalm 104: 1-2 NIV

When I read Psalm 104, my tiny concept of God expands, and I get a glimpse of His majesty. Not only is God bigger than I imagined, He is beautiful. In my mind I let the scene play out. God gathers light unto himself and forms it into an incredible robe. He then shakes it out, flings it over his shoulders, and wraps it around his body.

Light catches light and the sight dazzles. A myriad of colors flash. I picture light and color in Heaven that I will not only be able to see, but will experience with all my senses. Reach out and touch it, take a deep breath and fill your lungs, feel it touch your skin, hear the incredible sparkle as it fills you. The light is so great that darkness cannot tolerate its presence. Darkness flees like birds before a storm, frightened by the intensity of the light. 

Jesus calls us to come to that light. John 8:12 says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” Imagine, the light that God wrapped around himself like a garment, can dwell in our hearts! Incredible! 

What is stopping you from experiencing this light? Whatever it is, let it flee from you and embrace the light. Let it fill you and wrap itself around you. Splendor and majesty, radiance and warmth; available for all.

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