Tuesday, August 5, 2014

CARSON: America's Heathen Human Sacrifice

ben carson
Dr. Ben Carson, author of "One Nation: What We Can Do to Save America's Future."
Ben Carson: We Call 'Ancient Civilizations Heathen Because of Human Sacrifice, But...'
August 5, 2014 - 12:23 PM
(CNSNews.com) – Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon and the author of six best-selling books, said that people criticize some ancient civilizations for practicing human sacrifice but when it comes to abortion in the United States, “aren’t we actually guilty of the same thing?”
“Well, it’s interesting that we sit around and call other ancient civilizations heathen because of human sacrifice but aren’t we actually guilty of the same thing?” said Dr. Carson in reference to a question about abortion. “The good thing is the American populace is moving closer and closer to understanding that abortion is murder. Every year we’re getting better on that regard.”
Dr. Carson, the former director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, made his remarks on the Focus Today television show (online), hosted by Perry Atkinson.
In discussing Carson’s latest book, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future,  Atkinson asked, “One of the issues, and I think it’s one of the core spiritual issues of America, is the abortion issue, and I know it’s very sensitive and very controversial but, on the other hand, it’s very, very spiritual. And if we can correct this one, it seems that all the other things that God would be interested in helping us with would fall into alignment.”
Dr. Carson said, “Well it’s interesting that we sit around and call other ancient civilizations heathen because of human sacrifice but aren’t we actually guilty of the same thing?”
Human baby in the womb. (AP)
“The good thing is the American populace is moving closer and closer to understanding that abortion is murder,” said Carson.  “Every year we’re getting better on that regard.”
He continued, “So, I think it can be done but we have to be, you know, smart enough not to allow ourselves to believe as the dividers would: ‘Hey, you got to stick to this and if you relent in any way you know you are abandoning your principles and your values.’ They’re playing us. We have to take the Esther approach: Get ourselves into positions where we can actually change it. Then we can save all the babies.”
One Nation is a New York Times best seller. Dr. Carson’s 2012 book,America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great, was also a NYT's best seller.
In addition to his medical work – he still performs neurosurgery – Dr. Carson and his wife, Candy, established the Carson Scholars Fund to provide scholarships for hard-working students, "academic role models," in grades fourth through eleventh, who also demonstrate humanitarian qualities.  The program has aided more than 5,000 scholars in all 50 states.
My comments: Christians should understand the when America Murders all these babies, there is a price to be paid. God has ordained that EVERYONE will Reap what we Sow. Sow to Murder--Reap Murder. America will not survived as the Murder Capitol of the World. Understand that the godless, Secular Humanists are no better than the Heathen Cultures of the past when they Sacrifice their children to the "god" of SELF or so called, "women's rights.".

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