Wednesday, July 16, 2014

'Women's Rights,' A Doctrine Of Demons

The Spirit clearly says that in later times [the time we are living in]
Some will abandon the Faith
And follow deceiving spirits and things taught by Demons. (1 Timothy 4:1)

Things taught by Demons is anything contrary to the Word of God,
Wherever it is encountered.
As it happens the Demoniacally inspired Democrats
Are the ones putting this Demonic Doctrine forward.
And this is just one of their Demoniacally inspired Doctrines.
Which will send their adherents to Hell.

A Demonic Doctrine calls what is Evil good and what is good Evil.
The Democrats claim that women have the “right” to Abortion Murder.
And who is it that gives them that “right.”
Is it America Law? Why yes, it is.
Does the God of Creation accept the Laws of man
When they are in direct opposition to His Own Law, “You shall not murder!”
(Exodus 20:13) He does not!

So every woman that murders her unborn child violates God's Law
And that Law condemns her to Hell, unless she Repents,
And asks God Almighty to forgive her;
Whether this is done by an abortifacient pill, the Abortionist's tools
Or any other method of Abortion Murder.

What if the woman does not believe in God?
That is irrelevant, she is still subject to God's Law, as is every person.
Every living person is subject to the One, God, Who created all that exists
Whether they believe in Him or not.

The Democrats are godless, Secular Humanists--it is their Religion.
A Religion they strive to IMPOSE on all of America;
They want all of America to CONFORM to their godlessness
By making their godless “rights” the Law of the land,
And they have been successful.

What in their Ignorance and Arrogance they do not understand
Is that God's Law requires that any one who sheds the blood of man
By man his own blood shall be shed. (Genesis 9:6)
So those who have been responsible for the Murder of 57 Million babies
Must have their own blood shed, unless they Repent.

In other words those who are responsible for and support Abortion Murder
Are bringing about the Death of the Nation.
God's Laws are unchangeable,
Everyone and every Nation will reap what they sow.
The Demons know this; they are headed for God's Lake of Fire,
And they want to take along with them as much of humanity as they can.
And they will use ANY MEANS to accomplish this.
The Deception of “women's rights” is just one of their Demonic methods.

We live in a World rule by Satan [1 John 5:19].
Today, America is simply part of the World ruled by Satan;
Satan, who came to steal, kill and destroy[John 10:10];
Who is a LIAR and the father of LIES;
A Murderer from the beginning [John 8:44];
Who along with his demon horde is headed for God's Lake of Fire.

Unless the RIGHTEOUS arise in America, in the power of Christ Jesus,
And demand that the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God prevail;
The RIGHTEOUSNESS that was the inspiration of the Founders of this nation;
America will continue to slide further into the Debauchery of the godless
And become a haunt for Demons and every Evil Practice
As the Cities of Blue America, the Babylon of America, are today.

God Almighty gives America a distinct CHOICE.
Who will be her “god,” Satan or the God of Creation?
It will be one or the other.

Understand this, you cannot MARRY the two, they cannot COEXIST;
No more than you can mix oil and water.
The two “gods” are diametrically opposed to each other.
The Politicians who try to do this will FAIL
Most of them are Ignorant of the Spiritual Realm
That determines EVERYTHING in the realm of humanity.
There is NOTHING outside of the PURVIEW of God Almighty
And it is He who will determine the future of America
Based on America's OBEDIENCE to Him.

God Almighty sets before American LIFE and DEATH
And He admonishes America to choose LIFE. (Deuteronomy 30:19)
That LIFE is found in His Christ Jesus and His Word
Which are One and the same [John 1:1].

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion.(Psalm 2)
This World in its present form is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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