Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Media Is Lying To You About Attacks On Israel

From Dr. Mike Evans:
Our liberal media is no friend of the Jewish state, and they are intentionally lying about the nature and source of the attacks Israel is facing. The reality is that Israel is not really fighting against Hamas. The real enemy is Iran. The mullahs of Tehran provide the weapons, equipment, training, and funding for these attacks on the Jewish people.

What has happened so far is only scratching the surface. There are tens of thousands of rockets and missiles pointed at Israel, provided by Iran. And there is another threat as well. Al Qaeda and ISIS both have fighters in Gaza right now. Their goal is to establish an Islamic caliphate. This is a battle against the powers of evil. And it is a battle we must fight and win.

We are being overwhelmed with urgent requests for aid from Israel to help those who are hurting because of the fighting. We can't say no—but we can't say yes unless you say yes. This is not my appeal for is the appeal of Jewish mothers and fathers, grandparents, little children and Holocaust survivors. Please do your best when you send your gift today. We were created and called for this moment of battle!

As air-raid sirens sound in Jerusalem, the Holocaust survivors can take shelter in the beautifully equipped bomb shelter/community center that friends like you made possible. This air-conditioned and heated facility has a fully equipped kitchen, television and Internet service—all provided at no cost to the precious people who go there for safety in dangerous times. From the fifth floor of your Jerusalem World Center...our command and control center...we are organizing help to those in great need. None of this is possible without you.

With the growing level of violence, our support for the Jewish people today is more important than ever—and we need your help to support the work of the Jerusalem Prayer Team and our outreaches to meet the needs of the poor and show the meaning of true Christian love with the Friends of Zion Heritage Center.

My comments: It is ironic that America's dependence on foreign oil gives the Muslims the money they need to attack Israel and perpetrate their "Jihad" around the world. This is American "INSANITY." Understand that a godless nation, as America is today, is always "insane."

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