Monday, July 14, 2014

Obama Turns Against Israel



Exclusive: Pamela Geller says nation 'fighting for her life against overwhelming odds

Barack Obama, of all people, wants to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel.
Here’s the thing. Nobody asked him. His offer is just more not-so-subtle pressure upon the Jewish state. Essentially, Obama wants Israel to stop defending herself.
Obama has been on a jihad against Israel ever since he took office. He is deeply, deeply anti-Israel. Summing up Obama’s approach to global conflicts, he always sides against freedom and with submission:
Muslim Brotherhood? Check!
Al-Qaida in Syria? Check!
Al-Qaida in Libya? Check!
Muslim Brotherhood in Syria? Check!
Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza (Hamas)? Check!
Jihad regime in Iran? Check!
Israel? Bully, threaten and humiliate the tiny Jewish state.
But the law of unintended consequences will surely kick in (as it has in every one of Obama’s catastrophic foreign policy blunders). Israel will rely on her own power. Israel must not look to America now. Israel must no longer subjugate her national self-interest to the capricious whim of America.
The savagery of Hamas in targeting innocent civilians doesn’t bother Obama. Nor does the cheering of Palestinian Muslims in Hebron as Hamas rockets fly toward Israeli population centers. Now Hamas has warned airlines not to fly into Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. Will he tell Netanyahu to turn over half of Ben-Gurion Airport, as well as half of Jerusalem, to the jihadis?
Obama’s incoherent and disastrous foreign policy has remade the Middle East in the few short years of his reign. A once-stable region has now descended into the mad chaos of Islamic wars and conquest.
The Islamic State is tearing through the Middle East, conquering one city, one town after another. Jihad groups across Africa wage bloody holy war in Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Kenya and beyond. Hamas continues its barrage of rockets against the tiny Jewish state.
In the midst of this jihad onslaught, Obama is writing strongly worded op-eds, praising the jihadists while backhandedly scolding Israel. In an op-ed in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Obama wrote: “In President Abbas, Israel has a counterpart committed to a two-state solution and security cooperation with Israel.” He offered no such kind words about Netanyahu.
Netanyahu, by contrast, sees the situation clearly. He said Friday: “I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.” He said he doesn’t want Judea and Samaria to become another Gaza – another jihad base against Israel.
Finally. Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Israeli concessions, land giveaways, thousands of Gaza rockets, beheadings of civilians like the Fogel family, schoolboy kidnappings and endless war is the reality of the Islamic religious imperative of the jihad against the Jews. Netanyahu knows this; but in the wake of the jihad rocket attacks, Obama urged Israel to show restraintin the face of hundreds of rockets raining down on southern Israel.
In pressing Israel to make concessions to the jihadis, Obama is violating international law. As Caroline Glick explains in her book, “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East“:
Except during periods when they were physically barred from doing so – most recently during the Jordanian an occupation of these areas from 1949 to 1967 – Jews have lived in Judea and Samaria from time immemorial, just as they have lived in the rest of the historic land of Israel for the better part of 4,000 years. Based on this historical connection, in 1922 the League of Nations granted the Jewish people sovereign rights to Judea and Samaria and the rest of Israel.
On May 15, 1948, the day the Jewish state declared independence, Jordan joined Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq in invading Israel with the intent of annihilating it. Jordan ended the war in possession of northern, southern, and eastern Jerusalem as well as today and Samaria. Under international law, this was an illegal war of aggression. All Jews who had been living in the areas that the Jordanians conquered were expelled from their homes hundred for massacred or taken captive in Jordan. The official position of the Israeli government is that Israel has a right to sovereignty over the areas.
The San Remo Conference was attended by Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan – with the United States as a neutral observer. It was held in San Remo, Italy, in April 1920 and resolved to incorporate the Balfour Declaration in Britain’s mandate in Palestine. Thus Britain was made responsible “for putting into effect the declaration made on the 8th [sic.] November 1917 by the British Government and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
None of this matters to Obama. No ally of America in any part of the word can feel confident or secure with Obama in the White House, unless they are pursuing jihad conquest. Bloodthirsty jihadists are tearing through the Middle East, and Obama urges the good guys not to fight back.
Obama wants the jihadists to win. There can be no other conclusion. Obama is unabashed in his anti-Semitism. Shocking. Creepy. Evil.
The enemedia are no better. Algemeiner reported that BBC is promoting the lie that Israel is targeting civilians in Gaza (and the BBC is not the only one). The BBC has sprung into action to aid the savages in Gaza and put the proper spin on Hamas’s genocidal war on their Jewish victims. There is nothing new in this. The enemedia are especially vicious when covering Israel.
The leftist lapdogs of the jihad will sharpen the machetes of their own executioners if it advanced their own vicious anti-Semitism. The BBC is the worst of the worst. Der Stürmer 2014.
The facts are that three Jewish school kids were kidnapped and killed, followed by an onslaught of Hamas rocket attacks on civilian targets. What nation would not defend itself?
This is not just Israel’s war. This is the fight in defense of freedom for all people.
Just as it has been since 1948, Israel is fighting for her life against overwhelming odds. Pray for her.

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