Monday, July 14, 2014

Obama: Deadbeat Dad To American Children



Exclusive: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson exposes leftist effort to manipulate public's emotions

Leftists have long been using “the children” to manipulate the emotions of the public, extort American taxpayers, gather power and degrade our way of life. Barack Obama has taken this process to an insane extreme with his self-created border mess.
According to the Obama administration, more than 90,000 unaccompanied alien children and teens are expected to cross the Southwest border into the U.S. by September. Obama has proposed $3.73 billion in emergency spending to “help” the children.
We’ve heard numerous liberals justify every assault on our liberties with the stupid mantra, “It’s for the children!” and “If we could save just one child!” But it should now be clear that Obama’s crisis at our southern border – where unaccompanied alien children have been lured by loose immigration policies, sent through Mexico and abused in every way imaginable by coyotes and criminal cartels – has nothing to do with concern for children.
In Brooks County, Texas, 37 dead illegal aliens were recovered this year; some were children. Last year in the same area, the Border Patrol documented 445 deaths of illegal aliens coming to the United States, the third-highest number since 1998. Obama’s lawless actions – sidestepping Congress with executive orders which halted the deportation of illegal alien minors – are to blame for the deaths of hundreds of children.
Obama used blacks to get elected and then discarded them. Now he’s doing the same to Hispanics – using the chaos at the border to attack Republicans and advance his warped agenda.
Obama’s dereliction of duty is causing Americans to be victimized by illegal-alien criminals. More than 624,000 crimes (murders, rapes and home invasions) have been committed by illegals against Texas citizens alone in the last seven years.
Most leftists care neither about American kids nor the American people. Despite the misery at the border, liberals like columnist Kirsten Powers are still advocating for open borders. She recently told Bill O’Reilly that as a “Christian” nation, America should welcome the “undocumented” aliens. Liberals use Christianity to promote lawlessness, but they want no part of the faith when Christians call for an end to the slaughter of millions of babies in the womb.
Obama is ruining communities in every way imaginable. According to border agents in Laredo, Texas, illegal immigrants from Central America are coming in with tuberculosis, scabies (a flesh-eating mite), lice, chicken pox and venereal diseases. A Border Patrol agent has been hospitalized with bacterial pneumonia, which the agent contracted while processing illegals. Obama is putting children – the most vulnerable among us – at risk of catching diseases. Where is his humanity?
DHS recently brought nearly 750 alien minors (ages 14-17) to Chicago. With 82 people shot and 15 killed over the July 4 weekend and black unemployment at double the national average, the last thing Chicago needs is an influx of unscreened illegals! Obama and Mayor Rahm Emanuel used blacks to get elected, and now they’re expendable.
When black Houston resident Bernadette Lancelin heard about Obama’s plan to send some of these illegal alien kids to her community, she was outraged:
“What about the kids here? In our neighborhood? In our country? All these [illegal] kids? Why can’t they go back? … I care about what’s going on right here in my own backyard, my neighborhood. …”
I couldn’t agree more.
Where can kids from Chicago, Houston and other cities go to seek refuge from crime and poverty? The way Obama is treating American kids is akin to a father who abandons his own family to care for another. How can Obama “love” somebody else’s children and neglect American kids?
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of the ruthless terror group ISIS, reportedly warned our troops after he was released from an Iraqi prison in 2009: “I’ll see you guys in New York.” ICE reports that the number of apprehensions of people illegally entering the U.S. from countries “other than Mexico” has increased from 71,257 in 2012 to 90,461 in 2013 (a 27 percent increase). Leaving the borders open is an invitation to terrorists to attack us again. It’s like a father leaving his door open at night with his children inside in a crime-infested neighborhood.
This president has been treating the American people like children by telling us sweet-sounding lies while trampling our freedoms. Meanwhile, we act like children, passively accepting what we’re told. It’s time grow up.
Since Obama and weak RINO Republicans won’t stop the chaos at the border, what can we do?
We can support border governors like Rick Perry of Texas, who talks as if he wants to stop the invasion. How? He cannot wait on Obama. He must call the Texas State National Guard.
If having to foot the bill is the only thing holding Gov. Perry back, I’m sure Americans across the country would be more than happy to get behind an effort to fund Texas’ efforts to seal the border. We could even call the effort, “Americans doing the job that Obama won’t do.”
Now that sounds like Americans acting like adults again.

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