Tuesday, July 15, 2014

France Riots Call On Arabs To Finish Off What Hitler Couldn't

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Ruffly Translated from JSSNews by Elder of Zion:
I'm in Paris. I've seen these videos where they shout "Death to the Jews" in the streets of Paris. But the truth is that with a video, we are still not that aware of this reality. So when I, completely by chance, ended up at Republic Square in the middle of the afternoon, and I saw this pro-Palestinian rally, .... But I wanted to see it more closely. I do not have the peace of mind enough to write about it as it happened. It's too hot.
But then:
- Death to the Jews
- Death to Ashkenazi!
- Hitler was right
- Hamas Resistance!
- Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!
- Palestine must finish the job (started by Hitler)
At the microphone, to approach the Place de la Bastille, (yes, the microphone also) they shouted "Death to the Jews!"... In restaurants passersby do not know what to say. In any case, they do not dare move. France has worked the same way: the good people were too scared to move. We see Palestinian flags, Algeria, Iraq. Signs of support to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Not a word about the children of Syria. Or carnage in Sudan. Or slavery in Qatar. Or women's rights in Saudi Arabia. Tolerance, respect and love? No, simply hate. Eyes that scream "Die!" And even ... And even a replica of a Palestinian missile that crashed on an Israeli nursery is paraded. Widely applauded. Those who can, embrace. Admiration.
The attack on the synagogue has been denounced by politicians in France, but the real problem of huge numbers of Muslims who have no desire to act in a lawful manner, and who can be easily whipped up into a pogrom, does not seem to be a high priority for the French police.
Source: Elder fo Zion
My comments: This HATRED of Israel comes to a conclusion with the return of Chrsit Jesus. Then, ALL THE ENEMIES OF ISRAEL will be EXTINGUISHED, FOREVER!  

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