Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Father, Teach Us To Number Our Days

Numbering Our Days by Karen Pourbabaee

“So teach us to number our days. That we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 NAS

Wouldn’t you like to be remembered for your sagacity?! It’s just a fancy term for wisdom meaning penetrating intelligence and sound judgment. Proverbs 4:5 directs us to “Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding!” James advises us to ask of God if we lack wisdom. (James 1:5) Our model, Jesus, kept increasing in wisdom and stature according to Luke 2:52. God’s Word is filled with the many benefits of Godly wisdom and it’s made clear that we’re to become wise during our earthly days.

We become wise by numbering our days, considering them as having value and importance. The word number derives from the Latin numerare meaning to count. Within the musical discipline, one keeps time by counting the beats. We keep time by counting our days. And in our final day our musical composition will be laid before Him. I desire mine to be titled “Heart of Wisdom”.

Now wisdom is not merely knowledge. Knowledge is just information. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. It’s being able to follow the soundest course of action based on knowledge and understanding, acquired as we number our days aright. It involves some scholarship…setting time aside to read and study God’s Word. Praying for understanding. Listening. Acting.

Beat upon beat, measure upon measure, we write our song. Thus our musical masterpiece is accomplished day upon day. Engaging the appropriate instruments. Utilizing the right key and dynamics. Praising Him with our choruses. And inserting a rest in our musical score periodically. Our days are to be about composing a heart of wisdom…our final presentation.

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