Thursday, July 17, 2014

Does Iran Have Nuclear Weapons?

Watch the award-winning film Iranium that
exposes Iran’s program to build nuclear bombs
Iranium is right to say that Iran armed with nuclear weapons would be a disaster...By all means go to see the film...
- John Mundy
former Canadian ambassador to Iran
Saying ‘Death to America’ is easy. We need to express Death to America’ with action.
-Hassan Rouhani
President of Islamic Republic of Iran
What World Leaders Are Saying‏
"I have said repeatedly and I will say it today, we are not taking any options off the table, because it's my firm belief that an Iran with a nuclear weapon would pose a security threat not only to the region but also to the United States."
- President Barak Obama
“I don’t believe that an Iranian nuclear weapon is just a threat to Israel. It is also clearly very dangerous for the region because it would trigger a nuclear arms race but also its a danger more broadly, not least because there are signs that the Iranians want to have some sort of intercontinental missile capability.
- PM David Cameron
"We see the threat [of a potential Iranian bomb] not just as a threat for the state of Israel but as a general threat for Europe as well."
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel
"So long as we are not certain that Iran has renounced nuclear arms, we will keep in place all our demands and sanctions."
- French President Francois Hollande
Press Briefing with Dr. Gary Samore
Fmr White House Coordinator on Weapons of Mass Destruction
Support for the Iranian Opposition
Rudy Guiliani, Fmr NYC Mayor
Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Prominent Human Rights Atty

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