Monday, July 7, 2014

Army Ranger Warns America - Collapse Imminent

Conservative Tribune
President Obama has never had much of a fan club among members of the military, for reasons that should seem obvious.
Obama seems to have gone out of his way on multiple occasions to disrespect the armed forces through takinglittle to no action to correct the VA scandal, attempting tocut military pay raises, and of course, abandoning Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who is currently being held in a Mexican prison.
Couple these offenses with the president’s disregard for the Constitution and his constant violation of the rights of others, and it’s easy to see why men and women in uniform don’t trust their Commander-in-Chief.
These offenses caused one Army Ranger to draw a line in the sand and say enough.
Sgt. Maj. Dan Page retired from military service due to the egregious behavior of Barack Obama and his administration, and in a video making its rounds on the Internet, Page warns America about the future it’s headed toward under current leadership.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That does not mean affirmative action. That means we’re all equal. And we work through life to become unequal.
Some of us get to be lawyers. A car salesman maybe, I don’t know. But we’re all equal. God does not respect persons, so we have no business passing hate crime laws. None. Because we’re setting aside a group of people special.”
“This is not a joke ladies and gentlemen. This is not a joke. I personally, and people I work very, very close with, expect an imminent collapse of the United States. Imminent. I don’t know when it’s coming to come, but it’s going to come.
It may be one major event, it may be a series of events, but it’s going to happen. There’s going to be a time when you have to man up. They’re going to take your kids from you and put them in indoctrination camps. They’re going to do it. It’s going to happen. And there’s nothing you’re going to do to stop it, because we’ve waited too long.”
You can see the rest of Sgt. Maj. Dan Page’s powerful speech here:
Sgt. Maj. Page is spot on here. Our nation is on a dangerous trajectory if we do not step in and get involved right now. President Obama needs to be impeached, and that can only be done by people standing up and loudly demanding their representatives take that course of action. Only through exercising freedom of speech and opposing the ever expanding leviathan of the federal government can this be prevented.
Now is the time for Americans to get active and involved, as waiting one more day could mean it’s too late to save the nation.

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