Monday, July 28, 2014

America Has Lost Her Will To Exist

Can there be a Nation without borders?
Without borders there is No Sovereignty, No Country!
No Law, No Order, No Reason to Exist!
No need for a Military. What would it defend?
America has lost her will to Exist!

How did this Nation, born of a spirit to be free from a Tyrant;
A spirit to be free to honor the God of Creation;
Lose her will to Exist?

It is as simple as that.

Unless the Lord watches over the city [Nation],
The watchmen stand guard IN VAIN. (Psalm 127:1)

Obama and the Democrats and all who are godless, Secular Humanists,
Are Agents of Treason to America.
The want a border-less country; they want One World Government;
They want to SURRENDER America to One World Government.
This is the FERVENT desire of their father, Satan,
Who will soon introduce the Whole World to his son,
The Beast of Revelation, The Antichrist,
And America and the Whole World, Every Nation, will submit to him.

America's President and the Democrat Party
Spit in the face of God by promoting and honoring homosexuality
Which is an Abomination to God--
By making Same-Sex marriage lawful, which is an Abomination to God--
By FORCING Christians, by Law,
To do that which is against their Faith and Conscience,
Which is against Christ Himself.

By their Abortion Murder, which they promote with a vengeance;
Having already Murdered more than 57 million of the unborn,
Is the greatest Holocaust the World has known.

By perverting a Public Education System
Into one that indoctrinates children into their godlessness.

By spending what they do not have,
Thereby ever increasing the enormous National Debt,
A Debt that may NEVER be repaid,
Which is in effect, STEALING from all subsequent generations.
A Debt that currently has an interest payment of $4 Billion per day.

By printing an Endless Supply of Worthless Money,
Thereby STEALING from virtually everyone on the Planet.
And on and on.

It is not surprising then, that such a Nation,
Would not have the will to EXIST.

Because of her godlessness,
Such a Nation is a Drop in a Bucket to God Almighty;
Worthless and Less than Nothing. (Isaiah 40:15-17)

America is among the Nations that are RAGING AGAINST GOD.
They want to do away with God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments.

But God Almighty LAUGHS at them—He SCOFFS at them.
Then in His anger He TERRIFIES them.

Why? Because God Almighty has ALREADY INSTALLED HIS KING (Jesus)
It is WRITTEN—IT IS DONE! (Psalm 2)

God Almighty has already made Jesus King of the earth--
ALL the nations will become His possession.
He will rule them with and Iron Scepter--
He will dash them to pieces like pottery. (Psalm 2)

God Almighty says to the Rulers of the earth: Be WISE--Be WARNED
Serve the Lord [Christ Jesus] with FEAR and Rejoice with Trembling.
KISS THE SON, lest He be angry
And you be DESTROYED in your way,
For His WRATH can flareup in a moment.
Blessed are all who take REFUGE in Him. (Psalm 2)

America has been infiltrated by TRAITORS--
Obama and the Democrats and all who are like them
Are TRAITORS TO AMERICA—Traitors to the Founders of America.
TRAITORS to the God who gave America BIRTH.
They will be brought to RUIN.
The only question is—will America go to RUIN with them.

Obama's unspoken Goal in his “TRANSFORMATION” of America
Is to turn America into a godless, Secular Humanist Nation
That he can turn over to his father, Satan, and his son, the Antichrist.

WAKE-UP, all you who love God, before it is TOO LATE.

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion.(Psalm 2)
This World in its present form is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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