Friday, June 20, 2014

Obama's IRS Scandal: Dictators Don't Investigate Themselves

From the onset of the Internal Revenue Service's admission that they illegally targeted conservative groups, President Obama professed outrage, and pledged to work "hand in hand" with Congress to learn the truth behind the scandal ...

This is a lie similar to the one told by O.J. Simpson nearly 20 years ago when he promised to "find the killer and bring him to justice!"

What we do have is a criminal cover up of epic proportions. Conveniently missing emails from central figures in the investigation, "recycled hard drives" and a deliberate attempt to supress the truth by the Obama administration ...

Leading Rep. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to say that Obama is incapable of conducting a "serious and unbiased investigation" into the IRS targeting scandal and subsequent cover up.

Tom, Congress is frustrated by the obstruction and game playing from this administration. They seem ready to push for the appointment of an Independent Prosecutor -- free from the control of Obama and his Justice Department thugs.

Let Congress know that you are frustrated too.

+ + Fax Congress Demanding An Independent Prosecutor 

(Grassfire Premier and Elite members can send this fax at no charge by clicking here.)

Earlier today we shared how former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan had connected the dots between the 18-1/2 minute gap in the Watergate tapes to the 43,000 "missing" Lois Lerner emails.

Noonan said Obama is "experiencing what appears to be its own Eighteen-and-a-Half Minute moment" ... the tipping point on a political scandal that should rock the Obama presidency.

But she also added: "almost no one cares."

Early Grassfire response to the IRS scandal and cover up suggests that Noonan is wrong -- conservatives do care, and are ready to take action that could potentially topple the Obama presidency.

If he wasn't guilty, Obama would be eager to prove he has "clean hands," but like O.J. it's empty rhetoric ...

Help move this investigation forward by going here now and showing that you do care!

Thanks for your immediate attention. Your Friends At Grassfire

My comments: Dictators don't investigate themselves especially when they are complicit in wrong doing.This wrong doing got him re-elected and that was his objective. Now all he has to do it play dumb. Obama controls the Justice Department so that NOTHING is likely to come of this IRS Scandal which is DEVASTATING  to our Republic. So far it appears that no one and nothing can stop Obama the Dictator. Obama will continue to Dictate and act against the Law and many will scream about it but there seems to be no mechanism to stop him. A Military Coup would seem to be tho only mechanism that would be able to stop his Lawlessness. 

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