Friday, May 23, 2014

Was V.A Healthcare Crisis Planned By Obama

SHOCK QUESTION: Is the V.A. Health Care Scandal Another White House Sanctioned Crisis to Cause System Failure?
SHOCK QUESTION: Is the V.A. Health Care Scandal Another White House Sanctioned Crisis to Cause System Failure?
Norvell Rose - Liberty News

Given their history of secrecy and subterfuge, considering a White House exposed for the do-it-then-deny-it strategy of engaging in expediently bad behavior, of causing crisis to create opportunity for change — the following questions are really not so far fetched:

*** Could President Obama, his handlers and his henchmen actually NOT be angry and upset over shoddy health care practices at the Veterans Administration? Could their appearance of outrage — their practiced posturing — be meant to provide cover for their plan to disrupt, even destroy the V.A. health care system?

*** Might this scandal be following the pattern revealed with regard to the IRS targeting and intimidation of Tea Party and other conservative groups?  Might Obama operatives be behind the V.A. abuses, as they were apparently behind the IRS abuses, essentially directing the assault while the “front men”, Obama et al, condemn it and gain favor from a gullible public for that condemnation?

*** If the White House directed/was aware of/condoned the deterioration of V.A. health services for our military veterans, could this explain why Obama has publicly stood behind V.A. boss Eric Shinseki? Because Shinseki, like a good solider in Obama’s army of destruction, was either following orders or allowing the abuses to take place?

*** And if the V.A. scandal is a “manufactured”, or at least a knowingly “manipulated” crisis, why? What would be accomplished? Possibly, “fundamental transformation”? Destruction of another long-standing American institution whose loss of credibility, whose demise would make way for an even bigger “single payer” health care system — a system that would include military and ex-military alongside other citizens?

So, what facts propel this kind of questioning? What events suggest that these questions could be legitimate and reasonable?

We need to revisit 2009 for clues and for perspective. 
- See more at:

Fairly new in his post in March of 2009, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed that the Obama administration was considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance. In other words, Team Obama was considering having wounded vets foot the bill for treating their combat-related injuries.
It was a radical idea that was quickly denounced in Congress and pulled back by the White House (here’s the coverage). Supposedly off the table. But what about under the table?

Then White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the president had “instructed that its consideration be dropped.” (the had the details). Gibbs dutifully added that Obama wanted to “continue a constructive partnership” with veterans groups and highlighted the administration’s commitment to veterans. “Commitment to veterans”? It’s a fairly safe bet that whatever the White House claims to be fact, the opposite, or something near it, is closer to the truth.

So it’s a fact that some five years ago, the idea of essentially dismantling the traditional system of health care provided through the Veterans Administration was floated by President Obama and his new V.A. Secretary Shinseki. 

Was it an idea that didn’t really go away…only went away from public view? Classic leftist strategy — put forward a controversial proposal…withdraw it…have the public/media think it’s not being pursued…then work it behind the scenes, underground, off the radar, out of sight of an unsuspecting public.

The question then arose — how to accomplish their goal without the appearance of driving toward that goal line?

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste”, advised former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. It was a revealing statement, a major page from the leftists playbook. And it could certainly be in play in this latest scandal.

By allowing/condoning/directing the V.A. health care crisis, Team Obama could both destroy the system and lay the groundwork for integrating vets into an expanded version of ObamaCare. They could also let Obama himself once again play the role of the angry, indignant leader determined to right a wrong and correct an injustice. A leader himself wronged because he was blindsided by a terrible situation of which he had no knowledge…until he heard about it on the news. ON THE NEWS!

- See more at:

My comments: It should be clear to any astute Christian that Obama is a student of Saul Alinsky for whom ANY MEANS justifies their PERVERTED END. Obama never states what his objectives are. He never explained what he intended to "TRANSFORM" America in to. However, we can now know by what he does, what his intentions are. He intends to "TRANSFORM" America into a godless, Secular Humanist State. This V.A. crisis may well be just what Norvell Rose suspects, and excuse to merge the V. A. into Obamacare., the deaths and pain of the veterans in the mean time, ignored.   

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