Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Obamacare Scandal

During the Obama Presidency
America has experienced one Scandal after another.
The First notorious Scandal was Obamacare.
It was the first major piece of legislation to pass Congress
Without one Republican vote.
It passed through some of the most underhanded methods and broken promises
Ever seen in American Politics. See:
Backroom Deals were made with the Senators, States like Louisiana
And Massachusetts, Unions, Pharmaceutical Companies, AARP, and others.

If Obama and the Democrats had told the truth,
Obamacare would never have passed.
In other words it was passed by LYING to the American Public.
The Main Stream Media is an accomplice in this Scandal
By failing to reveal the true extent of the Special Deals and the Lying.

Now we know that in most cases
You cannot keep your existing policy or your doctor or your hospital.
In most cases the cost of your Obamacare Policy will cost more,
And the deductibles and out of pocket expenses will be higher.
You will not save the $2,500 promised.

Now we know that Obamacare will not reduce Insurance Costs.
The Bill itself did nothing to reduce costs.
It will be a while before the true cost is known.

Yes, some people who did not have heath insurance will have it,
But that issue could have been addressed without the upheaval
Of the whole American Healthcare Industry.

It is still not clear
That Obamacare will not completely bankrupt the country;
America, which is already BROKE, 17 Trillion in Debt;
Borrowing everyday to meet expenses, with no end in sight.
Paying every day and exorbitant amount of interest on that Debt,
34$ Billion per day in 2013, for a total of $412 Billion.

Even the Supreme Court is complicit in the Obamacare Scandal
By Justice Roberts deciding, in an unprecedented and inexplicable move,
To call it a Tax rather then the Fee the Obama Administration had insisted it was.
It leaves one wondering what the motive of Justice Roberts was.

The Democrats has insisted that Obamacare would not increase Abortion
But in fact, according to those who study such matters, it does.
This in the face of the fact that Obama signed and Executive Order
Saying that it would not. He LIED!

This is a critical issue
Since America cannot continue Abortion and Survive.
Unless America STOPS its Abortion it cannot Survive;
God Almighty will not allow it to Survive.
Abortion is Murder and God requires that the one who sheds blood
By the hand of man his own blood shall be shed. (Genesis 9:6)
Unless America STOPS its Abortion
The blood of those responsible for the Abortion will be shed by man.

Abortion in America has been responsible for the Murder
Of more than 56 Million babies, the greatest Holocaust the world has known.
That means without REPENTANCE, that much American blood will be shed
By the hand of man.
That much carnage could easily be accomplished by a Nuclear Bomb.
Without REPENTANCE America stands guilty of Murder before the Living God.
And Obamacre means even more Abortions.

Obamacare may well be the downfall of the United States of America.

In the infamous ruling of Roe v. Wade, the so called, Supreme Court,
Decided against the clear teaching of Scriptures
That they would allow Abortion in America.
The godless Democrats then jumped on this, and through Government Subsidy,
Caused even more Abortion to occur in America.
Christians have fought against Abortion from the passing of Roe v. Wade
And continue to do so to this today.

Government Subsidy of Abortion, makes the Government an Abortionist.
What was once a personal decision before God,
Is now Murder, facilitated by a complicit Government,
Largely promoted by the Democrat Party,
Making it an accomplice to Murder, along with ALL who support its godlessness.

This is an ugly picture but a real one.
Abortion in America would make our Founders roll over in their graves.
Obamacare may be the final nail in America's coffin.
Abortion cannot continue in America before Almighty God.
He will not allow it!

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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