Saturday, May 10, 2014

MOVEON.ORG Supports The Terrorists Boko Haram



Garth Kant
WASHINGTON – Just two hours after WND reported still had an active petition calling on the U.S. government not to designate the jihadist group Boko Haram a terrorist organization, the leftist website suddenly removed the petition.
Boko Haram is the very same group that has enraged the world by kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria and threatening to sell them into slavery.
The petition – which received its first signature on June 20, 2012, and continued to be signed at the time of this report – was uncovered by Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, who asked to apologize for hosting an online petition opposing a terrorist designation for Boko Haram.
The page where the petition had been for two years now says “Petition Not Available. The content of this petition is under review.”
Before it was yanked, the petition had well more than 100 signatures, with more than a dozen people signing it just on Friday.
“Boko Haram has murdered thousands and kidnapped hundreds of little girls to sell into sexual slavery. It is beyond despicable for Democratic Party groups to support a terrorist organization,” Stockman said. does have a disclaimer stating it does not necessarily endorse the contents of petitions posted on its site, but Stockman was amazed the group still had not taken down the petition, saying, “The Democratic Party group MoveOn should apologize for hosting supporters of kidnappers and terrorists.”
Stockman said the petition, “Reject ‘Terrorist’ Designation for Boko Haram” was posted in 2012 and began gaining more signatures from Democratic Party activists after the group kidnapped 230 Nigerian girls to sell into sexual slavery.
At about 6:00 pm ET, MoveOn added another disclaimer, reading: “MoveOn volunteers reviewed this petition and determined that it may not reflect MoveOn members’ progressive values. MoveOn will not promote the petition beyond hosting it on our site. Click here if you think MoveOn should support this petition.”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton steadfastly refused to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group, even after it bombed United Nations headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria, in 2011. Under John Kerry, the State Department did designate the group as a terrorist organization in November 2013.
According to Stockman’s office, is one of the biggest bankrollers of Democratic Party campaigns, spending $21.6 million on its programs in 2012, with 100 percent of its PAC contributions going to Democrats.
Here’s what the petition said before took it down:
Reject “Terrorist” Designation for Boko Haram
Petition by AfricaFocus Bulletin (William Minter)
To be delivered to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, Eric Holder, Attorney General, Rep. Henry Waxman (CA-33), Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS-2), Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4) and 6 other targets (click here to see more)
Petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama and Members of Congress
We urge you not to support the formal designation of Boko Haram in Nigeria as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” (FTO). Such a move would be a counterproductive mistake with far-reaching negative consequences for both Americans and Nigerians.
It is correct for the United States to join the vast majority of Nigerians in condemning the group for the brutal violence it has inflicted on innocent civilians in Nigeria and their threats to national unity and security in that country.
But U.S. government designation of the group as a FTO, as currently proposed by several Members of Congress and some officials in the the Department of Justice, would increase rather than diminish the threat from Boko Haram. It would give the group additional visibility and credibility among international terrorist networks. It would increase the chances that the group would direct its attacks against U.S. targets.
Most significantly, it would reinforce militarization of Nigerian government actions against the group. Repressive actions by Nigerian security forces in the past have already contributed to increasing support for Boko Haram among those affected. What is needed instead is a multifaceted strategy. Such a strategy must include not only security measures to protect civilians but also flexible diplomacy and serious attention to development issues, particularly in the disadvantaged North of Nigeria where Boko Haram finds support.
FTO designation would also cause enormous collateral damage, making it difficult for both the U.S. government and non-profit groups to address humanitarian and development issues, particularly in the North. It would hamper any efforts by third parties to encourage dialogue and it would introduce new tensions into U.S.-Nigerian relations. It would also pose serious bureaucratic obstacles to travel and family remittances for Nigerian Americans and other Nigerians resident in the United States.
The Nigerian government is well aware of the counterproductive effects of a FTO designation for Boko Haram and has expressed its opposition. So have more than 20 of the top U.S. scholars on Nigeria. We urge you to heed their informed advice.
To endorse this petition as an organization, please send the name of your organization and contact details to For more information, visit
There are currently 110 signatures. NEW goal – We need 200 signatures!

My comments: Terrorism is terrorism whether it is called such or not. The Democrats and have made their BED with Boko Haram now they must sleep in it as the Terrorist Organisation performs its Atrocities. Who, now, can trust anything the Democrats  or has to say on the issue of Terrorism. 

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