Monday, May 12, 2014

Michelle Obama Speaks For Nigeria's Kidnapped Schoolgirls In Mother's Day Address


May 11, 2014|7:15 am
In the presidential weekly address on Mother's Day weekend, the first lady, Michelle Obama, said she and her husband are "outraged and heartbroken" over the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian girls in "whom Barack and I see our own daughters."
"Like millions of people across the globe, my husband and I are outraged and heartbroken over the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian girls from their school dormitory in the middle of the night," the first lady said Saturday.
On the night of April 14-15, armed men from the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram, which is opposed to Westernization of Nigeria, kidnapped about 276 girls, including Christians, from a government school in the town of Chibok in eastern Borno State.
"In these girls, Barack and I see our own daughters. We see their hopes, their dreams – and we can only imagine the anguish their parents are feeling right now," Michelle Obama said.
Calling it an "unconscionable act … to keep these girls from getting an education," she said it was an attempt by "grown men" to "snuff out the aspirations of young girls."
"And I want you to know that Barack has directed our government to do everything possible to support the Nigerian government's efforts to find these girls and bring them home," she added.
My comments: Michelle Obama speaks for Nigeria's kidnapped girls but does not speak for the more than 3,000 children who are Aborted in America every day. She and her husband are hypocrites. Their hypocrisy along with those who share their views are bringing the WRATH of God upon America. Would that the Obama's would see their own children in all those who have been aborted.

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