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Here's what is killing the American churchMay 8, 2014Tom,It isn't often I come across something so compelling that I ask people to stop what they are doing and listen. But this short audio clip of two minutes and 51 seconds from Dr. Erwin Lutzer, senior pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, is worth your time. Here he talks about the serious problem in the Christian church today of what many call "cheap grace." Maybe that’s not the best way to phrase it, but I am talking about the popular idea among Christians of downplaying the seriousness of sin and its consequences in the name of not offending the unbeliever. This idea is poisoning the church in America today, in my estimation. Should we intentionally be rude or offensive to non-Christians? Absolutely not! But should we allow ourselves to be intimidated into silence? Abs olutely not! Please listen and forward this audio clip to as many Christians as you can. A lot of otherwise solid believers have bought into this approach. Dr. Lutzer's comments were part of his message at the Understanding the Times Conference on April 26, hosted by Olive Tree Ministries in Minneapolis. Unlike Dr. Lutzer, many Christian leaders are caving on some of the great moral issues of our time in order to avoid confrontation with the anti-Christian popular culture which, no question, is getting more hostile by the day. But we must stop this troubling trend of capitulation by the Christian comm unity. People can only understand the Good News (Jesus saves us from sin) if they understand the bad news first (sin, unrepented of, ends in death and hell.) I have already transcribed the audio for those who would like the hard copy (pdf) of Dr. Lutzer's words of warning and wisdom.
My comments: Understand we are SAVED upon our REPENTANCE of our SIN to OVERCOME this wicked world. We can only OVERCOME this wicked world and the wicked One, Satan, who rules it by the Power of Christ living in and through us. The Grace of God is that He has provided for FORGIVENESS of SIN through the blood of our Savior, Christ Jesus; Grace is that He gave us His Holy Spirit to live within us enabling us to OVERCOME this wicked world. THAT IS GRACE. The Wages if SIN is Death, Eternal Death. (Romans 6:23) GRACE does not EXCUSE SIN! |
Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
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