Tuesday, April 8, 2014

His Kingdom First

Week 15, 2014 - Rick Joyner

          Last week we discussed how the church is still so far from what it is called to be, and yet this also gives us an ultimate opportunity—could we begin a momentum that would actually hasten the coming of the day of the Lord?
         Remember Don Potter’s observation about weddings? It is a great miracle how the bride can look like such a disaster just minutes before the ceremony starts and then suddenly appear looking so perfectly beautiful. Maybe it will be that way with the bride of Christ. What is more important than helping the bride prepare herself so that our King has the wife He is worthy of?
         Just to live in these times is a great honor. All of the prophets and righteous ones of old just desired to see these days, and we have been called to live in them. Possibly the greatest folly of all would be to live in these days and not “see” them.
         If we are waiting for the church to get its act together before we commit to it, then we will miss out on it. If we do not go through the process with her to get ready, we will not fit in and will be left far behind.
         Why are so many Christians unable to find a body that they fit into? For many, and maybe most, it is because they are not in the right place geographically. If we chose the place where we are living because it is where the best job is, where we like the geography, or where our family or other relationships are, then we are likely not in the geographical will of God. We will only be in the will of God and stay in the will of God, if we make all major decisions, especially where we live by seeking the kingdom first.
         We are to always seek our purposes in the kingdom before any other interest. If that is not how we are making all of our major decisions, then we are likely out of the will of God in those things in which we did not do this. How do we get back into the will of God? We repent and resolve that we will not make any major decisions without putting the interests of the kingdom first.
         Does this mean that we might have to move? It could. It would be far better to move and change jobs, even going to a much lesser job, than to miss our purpose in God. The Lord promises that if we seek the kingdom first, He will take care of everything else for us. He can do everything much better than we can, so this is the best deal ever. I know many who did not do this, but instead moved to where the best job was. Their job may be going great, but everything else in their lives is falling apart.
         The devil tempts Christians the same way he tempted the Lord. It seems that every time the Lord calls a person to something significant, the devil is there to offer something very tempting, often a job or business opportunity. Sometimes it could even be a better ministry opportunity, but it is not the one the Lord has called us to.
         I was sidetracked from my purpose for seven years in this way. I learned much through it as the Lord continued to be with me and teach me the whole time. I became far more successful than I ever dreamed but was miserable the whole time. When I repented and laid everything on the altar to return to the Lord’s will for my life, I lost a fortune, almost everything I had, but was much happier and more peaceful than I had been in years.
         The only safe place we can ever be and the only place where we can truly know peace is the will of God. If we walk in any wisdom at all, then a chief pursuit of our lives will be to do His will, far above the pursuit of any worldly accomplishments or attainments. This does not mean that we cannot achieve great accomplishments in the world, or have nice things, but even the best things of this world are cheap and temporary compared to the eternal purpose we have in Christ.
         If Jesus is truly our first love, then one of our chief desires will be to see Him have a place to dwell. King David said that he could not sleep until the Lord had a place. He was touching on a profound truth—we too will never experience true rest until we become His dwelling place. We cannot do this alone. His dwelling place is a temple made of “living stones.” We must go from being piles of living stones thrown together randomly, to being cemented together into a temple.

My comments: Christ Jesus will have a Bride.
He created “Time” and each of us for that one purpose.
Scripture tells us He obtains a Bride:
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
And His Bride has made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7)

The only question is who will be among those of the Bride of Christ?
Scripture answered that for us throughout its books and chapters.
King David was a man after God's Own heart. Here is what he said:

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek:
That I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life,
To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His Temple. (Psalm 27:4)

Whom have I in Heaven but You?
And being with you, I desire nothing on earth. (Psalm 73:25)

Apart from You I have no good thing. (Psalm 16:2)

David had the heart of the Bride of Christ.
The Bride of Christ will consist of those who do too.

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