Friday, April 4, 2014

Facebook Is Censoring Content

Real America TV


More than 1,500,000 are a part of our massive Facebook page standing for freedom of faith and speech. Tens of thousands of our fans have made it very clear through messages and comments... we're all standing strong in support of folks like Phil Robertson when it comes to Hollywood's discrimination against opposing views.

Unfortunately, Facebook is censoring our content. In fact, yesterday we posted a link to our critical "kick start" campaign and Facebook only allowed 10,000 or so fans, out of 1.5 MILLION, to view the post! This means Facebook only allowed less than 1% to see the post!

Are we going to sit idle while this sort of thing happens all around us? Will YOU join us in making sure they can't keep us from confronting Hollywood head on with Real America TV?

Here's what you can do to push back against the censorship.

1) Click here to PLEDGE your support of Real America TV. This is only a pledge and your support will not actually be processed until the campaign is a success next month. Plus, those who pledge to support us can get rewards such as DVD sets, t-shirts, signed posters, stickers, visits with the cast and crew of Mountain Motors and much more!


2) Visit our Facebook post about the censorship and like the status update, share it with your friends and leave a comment. We've already written the post explaining exactly what Facebook is doing, now we just need you to help spread the post to others. Click here to give us a hand!

3) Visit our "kick starter" page, watch the video and share it with your networks. We obviously hope you'll be able to pledge your support, but if you can't you may have folks in your social network who can. Word of mouth is critical in building Real America TV and you can play a huge part in this.


4) Last but most certainly not least, pray. Pray for our campaign, our staff, our subscribers and our supporters. We simply cannot succeed without prayer.

Thank you so much for your support for a Real America TV network!

Support Real America TV

For Liberty,

-Eric Odom
Managing Director, Real America TV

P.S. It's absolutely critical that everyone click through and view the entire campaign. This simply will not work unless we unite in this effort. Click here to join our campaign for Real America TV now!


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